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Hors ligne nicolas

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Dans le 20minutes d'aujourd'hui :

Radiohead inédit sur internet
Des titres inédits de Radiohead datant de 1988 et 1990 circulent depuis quelques jours sur un site de fans du groupe. ?


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Ah merci, mais je ne connaissais pas le nom de la "demo". Désolé ^^

Hors ligne The Eurasian

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Citation de: "bluebird",Mobile/flash/54189_1_Radiohead-devoile-son-prochain-opus--sonnerie-musique-telechargement.html
Il  [Thom Yorke] ajoute notamment : "Nous ou nos partenaires avons eu six enfants, c'est peut-être dû à notre manque de concentration"
Bizarre leur c'est pas Thom mais Jonny qui a dit ca :o Faut etre precis et rigoureux bordel! :redcard:
Bloom, the world is bloom

Hors ligne hunting android

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surtout que le concert n'a pas lieu en juillet mais en juin :o

Hors ligne hunting android

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..according to Q Magazine, in the latest special edition issue of the top 100 albums of all time as voted by readers.
(Radiohead has 4 albums in the top 100, and 3 in the top ten, OK Computer is #1, the Bends is #2, and Kid A is #10)

The Following is a reprint from Page 16 of the New Q:

THEY SAY: "Some of it has been great fun. There were moments when I went, TUNE TUNE!" - Thom Yorke

WE SAY: The beginning of a new era for Radiohead. Thom Yorke has said their albums run in cycles of three, suggesting the as-yet-untitled follow-up to Hail To The Thief will be as different from that album as Kid A was from OK Computer. Sessions at a studio near Oxford have been uncharacteristically stress-free, with the dub reggae and "nature walks" the order of the day. The fresh air is working: they've FINISHED four tracks - House Of Cards, Pig's Ear, Rubbernecks and Bodysnatchers.

EXPECTED: Late 2006

Hors ligne Lum

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Je savais pas quand retourner à Londres ... j'ai peut-être trouvé une date donc ... :huhu:

Radiohead stars play UK gig
Show confirmed for May

Radiohead stars Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood are to play live in London.

The pair will play at KOKO on May 1 in a charity event for Friends of the Earth.

The gig is part of The Big Ask Live - a series of UK music events which aim to promote The Big Ask campaign, which is lobbying the Government on climate change.

For more information, visit the Friends Of The Earth website,

Thom has been involved with The Big Ask since its launch last year.

In May, the Radiohead singer made a visit to Parliament on behalf of Friends Of The Earth to campaign on climate change issues.

The singer was calling for thousands of people across the country to back the campaign to make the government responsible for reducing the UK impact on global warming.

Writing to fans online, Yorke also said the charity have asked him if he'd be willing to meet the Prime Minister.

He said: "Friends Of The Earth have asked me whether I would meet Tony Blair at Downing Street to discuss what our government is not doing about climate change. I don't know if this will ever happen for certain. It is rattling around in the back of my mind and concerns me a lot. I have no intention of being used by spider spin doctors to make it look like we make progress when it is just words.

"I'd love to know what you think but I can't ask. You'd say 'Oh there he goes again interfering and meddling in politics. Why doesn't he get on with the music and shut up? Perhaps because I feel like a hypocrite if don't do anything, and equally feel like a hypocrite if I try getting involved.

"Blair has been uttering nonsense lately about Kyoto and such, real la la stuff... looks like the American right have finally eaten his mind. Why on earth would I meet this man? Or perhaps that is exactly why I should. But i dont have powers of persuasion, i just have temper and an acid tongue."

Radiohead are also planning UK dates to preview their forthcoming album around the same time.

Hors ligne nicolas

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Hors ligne Lum

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oui j'y ai pensé éventuellement  :hehe:

je vais voir ce que je peux faire ...

Hors ligne hunting android

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Thom & Jonny to play exlusive Big Ask gig

Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood will headline an exclusive gig at Koko in London on May 1st. The show is in support of 'The Big Ask', a Friends of The Earth campaign which is calling on the UK government to take action to control climate change. This will be the first live performance by Thom and Jonny for over a year; Radiohead are currently in the studio working on new music.

The bank holiday show is just one of the highlights of 'The Big Ask Live', a series of concerts taking place across the UK that will feature some of the biggest names and the brightest new talent in British music.

Thom said; "The best thing about 'The Big Ask' for me is the fact that there's no longer this sense of powerlessness, which is what I had for so long about climate change". For the latest information go to

Posted by adriaan at February 9, 2006 12:28 PM

tu m'as devancé :miam:
je te laisse faire la new alors ;)

Hors ligne Simleouf

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Citation de: "Luména"
et j'oubliais ...


j'ai enregistré la vidéo parce que je voulais la garder ...
je la mets donc a dispo pour celles et ceux qui veulent :

voila :)

Hors ligne nicolas

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Citation de: "Luména"
oui j'y ai pensé éventuellement  :hehe:

je vais voir ce que je peux faire ...

merci :)

et merci simleouf  :jap:

Hors ligne The Eurasian

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Citation de: "Simleouf"
Citation de: "Luména"
et j'oubliais ...


j'ai enregistré la vidéo parce que je voulais la garder ...
je la mets donc a dispo pour celles et ceux qui veulent :

voila :)
:powa: Merci! Ca fait vraiment plaisir!
Bloom, the world is bloom

Hors ligne hunting android

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blah blah NME blah 2002 summer tour blah
"I was angling for the tour in the sun. You only live once!" singer Thom Yorke joked. "But no, Blackpool it is."
Bassist Colin Greenwood added:
"We're doing these shoes in the UK and some Europeam ones. We had an option to play some bigger shows to 10,000 people in Eastern Europe, but it's the wrong time because they'd want to hear older songs and we want to use this time to play some new ones.
"We're playing these shows so we can do [new songs] and have people come and be excited about being in the space. In some ways we're going to be showing our sketchbook in public and trying to play old songs that we haven't played for a long time too. It's all going to be a challenge. We're going to half-play new songs and half-remember old songs!"
The experience of touring 'Hail To The Thief' before its release was a positive one for Radiohead. As a result of the audience reaction some tracks were dropped while others became instant fan favourites. Thom hopes the British audiences will be as honest as possible this time too.
"It's going to be hit and miss," he confessed. "sometimes the only way you can tell where you're at with stuff is to play it for people. We hope that people will tell us what they think. If they think it's shite then we need to know that as well, really."

Thom on why they're playing V;
"I based [our decision to do it] on seeing Franz Ferdinand last year, just watching it on TV. I thought they were good, and Dizzee Rascal was the best thing - he was fucking bonkers," Thom told NME. "It's a British festival. I obviously don't necessarily agree with the sponsorship, but Glastonbury's not happening this year. I was thinking at the time it'd be good to remind ourselves of what we've done. to play lots of old stuff and get into that mode and see what it feels like, rather than rejecting it wholesale forever more. V was the first thing that came up, in a way. We started thinking it'd be good to get out a bit!"

Thom on turning down an invite from the Prime Minister;
"Luckily, in the end the decision was kind of made for me," Thom told NME. "There's this whole thing going on at the moment with Blair and the nuclear thing. This all started kicking off about two or three weeks before I was supposed to meet with Blair, which I was not happy about anyway for obvious reasons, ie Iraq.
"It was, 'If we could just have a metting beforehand where we could go through how it would proceed...' It was like talking to Blair's spin doctors. It was all getting fucking weird. It was just obvious there was no point in meeting him anyway and I didn't want to. That was the illest I'd ever got. I got so stressed out and so freaked out about it. Initially when it came up I tried to be pragmatic. But Blair has no environmental credentials as far as I'm concerned.
"I came out of that whole period just thinking 'I don't want to get involved directly, it's poison. I'll just shout my mputh off from the sidelines.' It's a nasty business. it's up to people with pure integrity who know what they're talking about. Like Friends Of The Earth."
Thom also revealed that songs set to feature on Radiohead's new album include 'House Of Cards', 'Arpeggi' and 'Nude'. A release date is yet to be confirmed, although there's talk of a download-only EP around the time of the shows.

"It's like 'OK Computer' - but more terrifying!" Radiohead on their new songs, new direction and plans for the future...