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Thom Yorke: 'We're splitting up'
He is, of course, joking...

Radiohead singer Thom Yorke has given an update on their new album - and joked that sessions are going so badly the band are "washed up".

Writing to fans on the band's official website, Yorke said the sessions have been "great fun", and that small shows next year will definitely happen.

He said: "It is the end of our two week session. We're splitting up its all shit. We're washed up. Finished. Only kidding. It was fun. Some of it has been really great fun. And there were moments that stick in my head when I went 'TUNE!' 'TUNE!'"

Guitarist Ed O Brien added: "Friday night ....... the end of a two week session. Riffs and fragments of the songs going round my head. It's been great. It's always difficult to judge right now but I think we may have got 'Bodysnatchers'.

"Had a couple of sticky days at the beginning of the week but saw it through. On a roll now. Lots of stuff to be done yet, but so far so good. The studio is fab, its so good to play in and listen. You know what works and what doesn't."

The band have also revealed gigs are planned for next year. The follow-up to 2003's 'Hail To The Thief' is scheduled for release then too.

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Radiohead désormais au travail - News

Le groupe de rock anglais prépare actuellement son septième album studio, qui devrait sortir l'année prochaine.Le groupe de rock Radiohead a donné récemment des informations sur l'état d'avancement de son septième album studio. Ses membres ont enregistré la semaine dernière, dans leur studio à Oxfortshire, le titre "Song a day" et vont passer le restant de la semaine à mettre chacune de leurs idées à plat, avant de se séparer jusqu'à décembre. L'album, qui n'a pas encore de titre, devrait sortir dans le courant de l'année 2006, sans plus de précisions. Le groupe est pour le moment à la recherche d'une maison de disques, depuis que le contrat le liant à EMI a expiré.

Selon des informations données par le magazine américain Billboard, le nouvel album de Radiohead devrait comporter les chansons suivantes : "Pay Day", Burn the Witch", "Videotape", "Solutions", "House of Cards", "Down Is the New Up", "Last Flowers", "Skirting on the Surface", et enfin "Morning Mi Lord".Voir toutes les news


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Sur Dead Air Space :

back tomorrow, after a full on week of recording a song a day, some not even on the blackboard

Jusqu'ici tout va bien, mais la news de Lycos est intrigante, et franchement très drôle quand on comprend leurs lacunes en traduction :

Ses membres ont enregistré la semaine dernière, dans leur studio à Oxfortshire, le titre "Song a day"

Effectivement, Song a day n'est pas une chanson inscrite sur le tableau ^^

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j'avais même pas tilté là dessus :lol:
je m'étais dit qu'ils devaient parler de pay day...
mais effectivement, leur traduction est...original.

Hors ligne jcradiohead

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C'est des champions du monde, euh ...  :lol2:
L'insensé qui a conscience qu'il est fou est en vérité sage, mais l'insensé qui se pense sage est véritablement fou.

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'Radiohead approached for Scanner Darkly score'

According to, Radiohead have been approached for doing the score for the Scanner Darkly film:

The movie is doing very well in test screenings, but the #1 complaint audiences have is with the score. So I can only tell you this anonymously, but the producers have approached RADIOHEAD about doing a new score for the film and it looks like everything is going to go through.
So in addition to an awesome animated Phillip K. Dick film, we will have a brand new Radiohead score to look forward to. as far as I know, this is the first time Radiohead has ever done a score for the film. While this is still a "rumor" at this time, I would give it a 99% accuracy rating at this point.

Posted by adriaan at December 12, 2005 12:47 PM

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Ed O'Brien on Zane Low show next week

Ed O'Brien will be coming into the BBC studio on Wednesday 21st December! Ed is going to give Zane Low the inside goss on the next globe straddling million selling album from the band. Radiohead have been busy in the studio for the past few months putting together new tracks. If you've got a question for Ed, post them on the BBC website. [thanks Mandy]

Posted by adriaan at December 14, 2005 09:26 PM

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bah gogogo alors :p
You can say everything you'll always be my second choice!

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Gossip from the local music scene

by Scoop Stevens

With friends like these

As any artist will tell you, a few kind words from friends a little higher up in the food chain can’t hurt. When those words come from Colin Greenwood of Radiohead, people really pay attention.

Operatic “is a breath of fresh air in a boring, cluttered climate of sameness in underground music,” Greenwood is quoted as saying in a recent issue of Thrasher magazine.

“We met for lunch in Long Beach, and they were kind enough to drive me back to Los Angeles, although they didn’t seem to know where it was,” he continued. “On the drive, they played me some more of their charged sounds, provoking misty-eyed reminiscences of Killing Joke and Gang of Four for this old codger. I’m looking forward to seeing them in concert, as long as they’re not on too late and it’s not too loud. In fact, I liked them so much that I’ve named my first born after their lead singer!”

Operatic’s lead singer Jesse Fritsch explained that the quotes come from intros that Greenwood and Face to Face’s Trever Keith had written for the band’s new material. “Colin hadn’t heard the whole album when he wrote that—just three songs,” he clarified.

Fristch has since supplied Greenwood with copies of demos as they were recorded. Still, the quote looks pretty impressive in banner ads, one of which is running on No collaborations have been planned, but the two remain in contact.

“I speak with Colin fairly regularly,” Fritsch said. “The review has helped the band some, [but] it was only in a skateboard magazine. Hopefully, some local kids will see it on the sdpunk site and maybe get interested in listening.”

Coupled with gushing praise like: the band’s “lush and melodic instrumentation and deliberate and punctuated rhythms make Operatic a very exciting new prospect in the world of indie rock,” it’s hard to imagine the band won’t be seeing a bit of crossover interest in their new album, Killing Us Is Easy, at least from Radiohead’s most diehard fans.



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Mothers Against Radiohead

How was everyone's Christmas? Ready for the new year? Have you told your mother you have been listening to Radiohead? I haven't slept that well to be honest. What if my mother finds out I'm listening to a plastic commercialized pop product?

I suppose I should keep her away from the internet and from this page especially, where Mothers Against Noise unite.

Noise? Yes, Noise is music that uses unpleasant or painful or extremely loud or discordant sound. Noise is also a very dangerous musical trend that is hell bent on destroying civilized culture, this anti-cultural movement is quickly sweeping the globe, and is very dangerous to our youth. Plainly put: Noise music causes ear and brain damage!!

But what about Radiohead? Well, according to the Mothers Of Noise:

They use alot electronic noise and noise imagery within compositions and it may on the surface seem harmless but once our kids get hooked on dissonance they will only go further down the road for a bigger kick. If your child only has pop records and a Radiohead record, it might not be too late to save them.... please remove Radiohead CDs from their music collection.

[thanks perets2001 for the link]

Posted by adriaan at December 30, 2005 01:10 PM

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They use alot electronic noise and noise imagery within compositions and it may on the surface seem harmless but once our kids get hooked on dissonance they will only go further down the road for a bigger kick. If your child only has pop records and a Radiohead record, it might not be too late to save them.

 :vaderetro:  :vaderetro:
musique de suicidé d'façon...

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OK Computer to get complete reggae treatment

The Easy Star All-Stars, the musical collective behind 2003's underground hit, 'Dub Side of the Moon', are going to do a complete reggae version of Radiohead's 'OK Computer'. The disc, entitled Radiodread will be released worldwide in September 2006 on Easy Star Records.

"It was always the number one question we'd get asked in interviews, on tour, at parties, wherever" says Easy Star CEO Eric Smith, "but while everyone had suggestions on what album we should do, from 'The Wall' to 'London Calling' to 'Thriller', it was not at all easy to find a release that had the right combination of music, concept, fan loyalty, and translatability to make it a worthy follow up."

Michael G says: "Conceptually and thematically we knew the album was a solid candidate; but we just weren't sure whether the arrangements could work. On one hand, 'OK Computer' has elements that are perfect - strong melodies, intense dynamics and trippy soundscapes; on the other, it has complex time signatures, chord changes and things that typically aren't found in reggae. The more we looked at it, the more we realized that this was an album we had to do."
Michael G spent several months working on arrangements, at the end of which all three Easy Star founders felt they had not only a great sequel on their hands, but a record that could be even stronger and more nuanced than 'Dub Side of the Moon'. Basic tracks were recorded in September and October, followed by overdubs and vocals with guest artists. Already completed are performances by Horace Andy, Morgan Heritage, Frankie Paul, and Kirsty Rock, with more big names to hit the studio in the coming month.

"We're just as excited as everyone else to see what this ends up sounding like after we finish mixing it," says Oppenheimer. "So far, we have been amazed at how well it's been working. After listening to what Michael G and the band has done with the songs, it almost sounds like they were meant to be written for reggae."

Posted by adriaan at January 3, 2006 11:56 PM

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Dans le 20minutes d'aujourd'hui :

Radiohead inédit sur internet
Des titres inédits de Radiohead datant de 1988 et 1990 circulent depuis quelques jours sur un site de fans du groupe.

Je cherchais le site en question mais sans succès, à part sur DIME, qui propose 2 torrents pour les 2 années en question, mais c'est pas un "vrai" site de fans....