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Hors ligne Bébéééééé

  • Bidule
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    • Messages: 1920
Selon le NME, Thom Yorke aurait encouragé le jeune groupe Cajun Dance Party (les 5 musiciens n’ont même pas 18 ans !) à signer chez XL recordings, leur conseillant de ne jamais s’engagner dans un gros label.
"He’s like a prophet," says singer Danny Blumberg, "He said, ’Don’t sign to a major,’ so we didn’t."
La presse anglaise fait un buzz autour de Cajun Dance Party, les comparant aux Smiths, ou à The Libertines. Bernard Butler produira au moins un titre.
Le groupe est effectivement chez XL recordings et travaille à son premier album. Voici ce que ça donne avec The Next Untouchable :

Lu sur

Hors ligne Dr. Buck

  • Bidule
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    • Messages: 1237
le mix est à chier, ils auraient bien besoin de nigel  :spamafote: et le riff me saoule un peu

Hors ligne Raphael

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Hors ligne Matthieu

  • Petit scarabé
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    • Messages: 2
Bonjour, je me permets de poster un lien vers une interview de Colin Greenwood datant de 97, juste avant la sortie de OK Computer.
EDIT : le lien bien sûr, :-)

Hors ligne nicolas

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Bonjour, je me permets de poster un lien vers une interview de Colin Greenwood datant de 97, juste avant la sortie de OK Computer.
EDIT : le lien bien sûr, :-)

Colin Greenwood - On aimerait enregistrer davantage, sortir un disque chaque année

Hors ligne sunplane

  • Sklavax
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    • Messages: 247
Mdrrr ho! on défonce pas  colin !! lool
on aura qui comme bassiste après ? :'(

Hors ligne Bébéééééé

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 1920
Mdrrr ho! on défonce pas  colin !! lool
on aura qui comme bassiste après ? :'(

T'inquiètes je récupère son matos et je m'en charge  :powa:

Hors ligne sunplane

  • Sklavax
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    • Messages: 247

En ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
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    • Messages: 15680
Les Greenwood ont répondu à une interview pour le magasine belge Focus Knack. Colin et Jonny y ont dicuté de la sortie de ’In Rainbows’, du fait qu’ils n’ont pas voulu resigner avec EMI, et ont expliqué qu’une Spice Girls se trouve en chacun de nous.

Un des buts d’une telle sortie pour ‘In Rainbows’ était d’empêcher son piratage sur Internet avant la sortie, comme ça s’est produit pour les trois albums précédents.

Colin : “C’était un risque gigantesque. Un peu comme "Mission Impossible", à peu près. On a détruit toutes les pistes, après chaque jour d’enregistrement. Et sur les Master, on mettait un nom improbable, pour que personne ne l’écoute s’il s’égarait ; ‘Eagles : Greatest Hits.’ ‘Kula Shaker Demo’s.’ ‘Phil Collins’s Hip Hop Covers.’

Jonny : “Tu as déjà écouté ce disque ? Tu n’en reviendrais pas !"

En même temps, il semble que seulement 38% des fans auraient paué pour téléchargé "In Rainbows". C’était...

Colin  : (il l’interrompt) “Il y en a bien plus, même si je n’ai pas les chiffrespour ces derniers temps. la dernière fois que j’en ai parlé avec notre manager, il nous a dit que les Allemands sont ceux qui ont donné le moins, alors que les Italiens ont été les plus généreux..”

Est ce que l’image de Thom que l’on a, crée par les interviews, est la bonne ? A savoir un dictateur qui installe un climat de peur ?

Jonny : Non, ça c’est l’image que les médias se plaisent à donner. un Thom Effrayant.
Colin  :  Il y a une Spice Girl dans chacun de nous.T
Jonny : La seule chose irrationnelle chez lui, c’est sa haine des banjos. 9a fait maintenant 14 ans que je lui explique qu’on peut en faire sortir des sons très sombres, très chauds... Mais à chaque fois c’est "Pas moyen Fucking. "

Est ce vrai que vous n’avez plus eu envie de bosser avec EMI quand ils ont été racheté par terra Firma, la machine à faire de l’argent ?

Jonny : Tout-à-fait. à la reprise , Guy Hands, le nouveau CEO, a annoncé qu’il souhaitait quadrupler les profits d’ici à 2012. Sans se soucier de l’éthique, se la musique apparemment. Du coup, on a essayé ailleurs.

(merci radiohead.Fr)

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Would the famous and ever praised Radiohead still anxiously await reviews?

Jonny: Of course. It’s necessary, I think. Otherwise you’d better quit. This time was special because everyone also talked about our business plan. There were even pictures of Thom in The Times and The Economist – a rather ridiculous sight. Still, we were relieved that critics wrote that it might be our best record ever. You’re always as good as your last record.

The variable price of IR was claimed to be the marketing stunt of the century. But Thom denied that you had thought it over thoroughly.

Colin: The decision to release the record like this was taken in no time, that’s right. After that we just had to finetune some stuff. Practical stuff, mostly. But it didn’t involve lots of marketing.

Jonny: Until the last moment we’ve had serious doubts. “Is this really such a good idea? Is the system going to work? Can we ask money for it? Shouldn’t we just sign with a record company?”

Colin: It felt like a gigantic risk. Mission Impossible, almost. For fear of having our music leaked again, we destroyed every cd after a day of recording. We wrote false names on the masters so no one would listen to it when it got lost. ‘Eagles: Greatest Hits.’ ‘Kula Shaker Demos’. ‘Phil Collins’ Hip Hop Covers’.

Jonny: Ever heard that one? You wouldn’t believe your ears!

Meanwhile it seemed like ‘only’ 38% of your fans payed for the download of IR. Did...

Colin: (interrupts) There are lots more, though I have no idea about the latest numbers. Our manager did say that our German fans are the most miserly and the Italians are the most generous.

Were you satisfied with these facts yourselves?

Colin: Absolutely. We had three goals: 1: Keeping everything in own hands. 2: Making sure that it doesn’t leak beforehand, like our last three albums. Three: Becoming the first band releasing a record this way. In that sense it was Mission Accomplished.

In what sense not?

Jonny: As usual, we had hoped that the recording sessions would for once not end with us being exhausted and on the verge of nervous breakdown.

Colin: But concerning that we’re still waiting on our first success. (laughs)

Is the image that Thom often creates of himself in interviews, true? Is he really a dictator who creates a ‘climate of fear’ just for fun?

Jonny: No, that’s just the image that the media create of him. Scary Thom.

Colin: (with straight face) There’s a Spice Girl in every one of us.

Jonny: The only thing he can be extremely unreasonable about, is his hate for banjos. For fourteen years I’ve been trying to make him see that you can create very dark, warm sounds with it. But every single time it’s ‘No. Fucking. Way.’

Colin, apparently you had a student job in a record store?

Colin: I once vacuumed Our Price Records, yes. With NWA in the background. Great vacuuming music!

Do you understand that record shops were angry that you initially only wanted to distribute the record via the internet, and that, now that your fans already have it, you are selling it as a cd?

Colin: No, because we never wanted to rob the small record shops. From the beginning on we’ve wanted to release In Rainbows as a cd as well. We’ve communicated that from day one. We wanted our work to be available for everyone. Our parents included. And the fans that don’t have internet connection or a credit card. It’s just that it took much longer than expected to find a record company.

Jonny: In the rush we’d forgotten to create a Chinese and a Spanish interface for our website. Another reason why hundreds of thousands of fans didn’t have access to our music.

Colin: Better yet. We even forgot to create a possibility for more than two digits in the decide-your-own-price box, so people could pay more than 99 pounds if they wanted to. Who knows how much cash we missed out on because of that! (laughs)

Is it true that you guys didn’t want to work with EMI again because they had been taken over by the money machine that is Terra Firma?

Jonny: Absolutely. Guy Hands, the new CEO, announced that he wanted to quadruple the profit by 2012. But not by handling music in a very ethical way, we noticed. So we went elsewhere.

Did you give permission to EMI for selling the Radiohead collection box set?

Jonny: What do you think? Of course not. But they didn’t need our permission, unfortunately. They have the rights to everything. Music ànd artwork.

Colin: ‘Try to see the positive side of it,’ Thom said when we received the box a few weeks ago. ‘They could’ve added nude pictures of me. With my nineties peroxide haircut and two thumbs up, like “Buy this stuff!” (laughs)

Jonny: The thing I found kind of creepy, was that the first days after the release of the box set everywhere on the internet you found angry reactions of fans going ‘This is a cynical EMI-release! Do not buy this!’ but a few days later they were all gone.

Jonny: By the way, I don’t get why they didn’t make it a vinyl set. They could’ve made a fortune with that.

Has In Rainbows changed the music industry?

Jonny: I don’t think so, no. But we did receive lots of positive reactions, and I do think that some musicians will follow our example. Jay-Z, for example, said in an interview that he has paid a lot for his download, because he thought it was a brilliant initiative.

Colin: But for now the situation with the different business plans is comparable to that with Apple and Microsoft, I fear. The Macs on one side, of which everyone keeps saying that they’re great, and the PC’s on the other, which – unfortunately – are still used by 99% of the world population.

A small obligatory question about Belgium. Four years ago you guys played a marvellous gig in Forest National, a particularly tough venue with lots of reverb. How did you succeed?

Colin: We had heard that it was a haunted hall, so we brought Big Jim along, the sound guy of Peter Gabriel and Nine Inch Nails. That concert to me is one of the best we ever did. And I’m not just saying that, I mean it. Pukkelpop Festival last year, on the other hand, I was very unsatisfied with. We were scheduled so late that we were half asleep by the time we had to do encores.

To close with: for ages you guys are known as the ‘new Pink Floyd’. How happy are you with that?

Jonny: I’m a massive Pink Floyd fan, so extremely happy.

Colin: About three years ago we got a package in our mailbox. It contained Inside Out, that book Nick Mason(Pink Floyd drummer) wrote. ‘To Radiohead, my favourite Pink Floyd tribute band of all time,’ he had written inside.

Jonny: In my opinion the biggest compliment we’ve ever received.