Radiohead not likely to sign for EMI again

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Radiohead not likely to sign for EMI again's off road page has changed with now a journal added to the site. The journal features entries by Thom, who posted:

we have no record such. any offers?..what we would like is th e old EMI back again, the nice genteel arms manufacturers who treated music a nice side project who werent to bothered about the shareholders. ah well not much chance of that.....

It seems the band are looking for a good record deal, other than EMI. In other journal entry Thom said that the band are going back to the studio tomorrow:

we ar egoing into a proper studio on thursday with 192 faders
which is a lot of choice

a bit like the supermarket

and itll all go off before we get to it

so we have to eat quick

hopefully someone else from the band who speaks english will be able to elaborate


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jonny on clav without chair

 :lol:  :lol:

On passera à Emmaüs leur trouver une chaise quand même, les pauvres...

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Ca serait vraiment fun s'ils pouvaient refaire ce genre de truc durant l'enregistrement de leur prochain album... comme Ed l'avait fait pour Kid A...  :oui:

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Il me semble que c'est ce qu'ils font car d'après ce que je sais, ils viennent de rentrer en studio pour l'enregistrement de LP7...

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Radiohead management dismiss Warner move rumours

A representative from the band's Oxford, England-based management firm Courtyard Management tells that for the current sessions, Radiohead is "putting some ideas together" to "see where they want to go with the next step musically."

The band is also moving forward without label representation, having fulfilled its recording contract with EMI with the 2003 release of "Hail to the Thief." That album debuted at No. 2 on The Billboard 200 and has sold 932,000 copies in the United States, according to Nielsen SoundScan.

Radiohead's management dismissed speculation over recent months that Warner Music was poised to secure the band's signature. "The band [is] not looking for a record company in any way, shape or form," the representative says. "They are out of a contract, but they're not actively looking for another one. They're getting on with doing what they do." An EMI spokesperson declined to comment on the subject.