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Hors ligne hunting android

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jpense quand même que le nouveau journal de radiohead mérite son topic...

il y a eu un nouveau post de thom ce soir avec apparement des paroles d'une nouvelle chanson si j'ai bien compris.

Blog :
« Modifié: mar. 7 décembre 2010, 21:38:49 par hunting android »

Hors ligne Canard de barbarie

  • Bidule
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c'est le cadre que thom pose sur son piano. c'est un comique si mes souvenirs sont bons... mais son nom ne me revient pas.

Hors ligne hunting android

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here we go
    hello good people its sunday august 21 2005 and we're recording....... let me fill you in a little. so apart from a 3 and a half week tour to the other side of the world in april of 2004 the rest of that year was a dormant one for us
......... we needed a break ....... the end of another 3 album cycle...... they're not planned like that but thats how it seems to be. we needed to be at home with our families ....... lots of babies too. so we reconvened in mid - february and since then we've been trying to kick start the old beast ...... you don't realize once you've stopped how hard it is to regain the momentum ........ you literally get out the habit of doing it........ but often the only way to stop repeating yourself is to stop doing that thing, walk away from it ....... sometimes you have to go away in order to come back..... so here we are in the studio recording and it feels right. its only day 4, its very early days but really good things are happening .......lots of deconstructing and reassembling. we've been working on mornin' m' lud and pigsee.

Hors ligne hunting android

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Hors ligne nicolas

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merci pour les updates  :jap:

Hors ligne max and the astral cars

  • Bidule
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:lol:  :lol:

C'est bien une photo faite par Radiohead... du grand art, à nouveau !  :D

Hors ligne hunting android

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final day in this session
    everybodys wasted. expended i mean. energy wise i mean.
all in need of bowl of coco pops.
colins i s playing sleaz bass on mornin' mi lord..
its sounds very heavy. err phat. a freight train...
'the speakers ar e cracking'
ths is the last day of the session.. we start again in a couple of weeks
i need to get away,
six days straight from 11 till late is enough for an old man like me.

need energy!

i dont know. what do people write in blogs normally?
i could write about how im finding it difficult to finish lyrics.
that there are giant waves of self doubt crashing over me and if i could allieviate this with a simple pill ...
i think i would

although it is a necessary part of the procedure. but that would be dull wouldnt it?

i could write about watching V festival.. how i thought Dizzee Rascal stole it..

or ponder the imminent energy crises that awaits us even before our governments get their arse in gear over climate change.

or how amazing the sky is outside with the moon hiding behind fast moving clouds and the bats swooping close to your head.

which? hmm

i have absolutely no idea what i am talking about


Hors ligne Canard de barbarie

  • Bidule
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    • Messages: 2652
ils sont donc en train d'enregsitrer good morning m. magpie (mornin' mi lord).
je me souviens a la webcast 2002, il y avait eu des spéculations pour savoir le nom du titre joué (entre magpie et my lord..). donc je pense que ca correspond a cette chanson.
dc ca se rapproche plus d'un httt qu'a kid a pr le moment...

attendons la suite :)

Hors ligne hunting android

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Apparement ils ont enregistré ou au moins travaillé sur 3 titres

'suit dont fit' (dont Thom Parle dans son dernier post)
Morning M' Lud

Hors ligne hunting android

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Hors ligne Simleouf

  • Sklavax
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Citation de: "hunting android"
Voila apparementle studio dans lequel travaille le groupe.

 :wow:  :wow: j'imagine une petite séance d'enregistrement avec mon groupe  :hehe:

Hors ligne Nouf

  • Bidule
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yipi mister jonny sur acoustique ! c'est tellement rare et tellement bon... (ouh la vieille vidéo de street spirit sur la télé japonaise...).

c'est bon de voir ça de retour de vacances :)