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Hors ligne the lukewarm

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 1137

Hors ligne physical

  • Sklavax
  • **
    • Messages: 188
Thu, 25 February

?????? New Shows
hey everyone

ok so in April the other band.. that i got together to do the eraser and other stuff u know .. Mauro, Flea, Me, Joey and Nigel is going back out to do some shows in the US.. ending with playing with Coachella. we had too much fun to just leave it there...

it has been decided that we call ourselves Atoms For Peace. hope you like the name.. it seemed bleedin' obvious.

these are the shows & Flying Lotus is opening for us -
New York Roseland Ballroom 5th & 6th
Boston Citi Wang Theatre 8th
Chicago Aragon Ballroom 10th & 11th
Oakland Fox Theatre 14th & 15th
Santa Barbara Bowl 17th

all warmth

Hors ligne FadeOut

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 1539
Thu, 25 February

?????? New Shows
hey everyone

ok so in April the other band.. that i got together to do the eraser and other stuff u know .. Mauro, Flea, Me, Joey and Nigel is going back out to do some shows in the US.. ending with playing with Coachella. we had too much fun to just leave it there...

it has been decided that we call ourselves Atoms For Peace. hope you like the name.. it seemed bleedin' obvious.

these are the shows & Flying Lotus is opening for us -
New York Roseland Ballroom 5th & 6th
Boston Citi Wang Theatre 8th
Chicago Aragon Ballroom 10th & 11th
Oakland Fox Theatre 14th & 15th
Santa Barbara Bowl 17th

all warmth

Forcément, c'est bien connu, il y a un seul pays dans le monde, les USA.  :aie:
Intéressant sinon, très très très même!

Hors ligne agus1957

  • Sklavax
  • **
    • Messages: 126
Et après, c'est quoi? La Chine?La  seconde puissance! NON, PLEASE ...

Hors ligne little fishy

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 2551
ATOMS FOR PEACE  parce que c'est le tout premier morceau qu'ils ont joué ensemble en public le 2 octobre 2009 à l'Echoplex ?

Hors ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 15680
Wed, 03 March
6 Music
Mark Thompson, Herr Director General of the BBC, announced yesterday that 6 music was to be closed ... which is obviously a ludicrous decision for those who actually love hearing great music on the radio ... so I've written to the BBC Trust, who apparently have the ability to reverse the decision, and if you feel this way inclined the link is
Here's what I wrote:

To whom it may concern,

I am writing regarding the news today that 6 Music is going to be closed, in the hope that you reconsider this decision. To be honest I, along with a vast number of other musicians, music industry types and real music fans, are completely shocked and baffled by this news. I wonder if those who made this decision are actually aware of the hugely important role that 6 music plays in fostering and promoting new bands, as well as still playing the likes of the band that I am in. It literally is the radio lifeblood for music outside of the mainstream. Not to denigrate Radio's 1 and 2, but it really is the only station that puts music first, and that's from a punters point of view and not some bloke in a band. Nowhere else can you hear an archived session track from T Rex juxtaposed next to Midlake's latest release. As David Bowie, put it ... it keeps the spirit of John Peel alive.

Please realise the impact and severity of closing this station down. It will be a huge blow for new bands and their labels. It's not enough to 'refocus' Radio's 1 and 2 as 6 music does a very specific thing. What you have with 6 Music is a gem of a radio station, it is doing what no other station in the world does or can possibly do. Remember it is also still relatively young, give it time. You also finally have a fantastic and seemingly settled line up of DJ's. Please get behind it and from what I can gather about it's annual budget of £6m, it surely punches way above it's weight in terms of cultural relevance and importance.

Thank you for considering this.

Ed O'Brien (Radiohead)
sticky Tar Chart rant
so yes rumour has it that the canadians came to the copenhagen summit demanding to increase their co2 emmissions.
principally cuz of the tar sands and how much money the faceless motherfuckers in the oil industry stand to make out of it.. who are obviously bankrolling the government there.
i find it hard to correlate this all with the canadians i know who are very forward thinking..
the frightening thing about it is that just such a project could send the climate over the tipping point.
here's a link.. but just google if you wanna know more

people and planet on tar sands

....i try to imagine what it must be like to work in the political lobby office of BP or whatever (ok not often).. must be nice to not give a shit... i've met some people involved in the oil industry they seem nice enough... u know..
but hey, they might cry, were all answerable to the shareholders..
err hang on isnt that most of us? pension funds etc? tricky. but then again not really. what use is a fuckin pension when there aint nowhere to live?

an yway
this is an office chart for all u shareholders out there>>>>

Intro: Live At Skateland (1986) Cutty Ranks
Brothers Gonna Work It Out Public Enemy Fear of a Black Planet
Cyclic Bit Raymond Scott
Audience No. 2 Autolux
New York Is Killing Me (Original Clapping Version) Gil Scott-Heron
Natty DVA
Sing Four Tet
Ambre Nils Frahm
Take Me Back Aloe Blacc


Hors ligne biblion

  • Sklavax
  • **
    • Messages: 251

Autolux fera la 1ère partie du concert de AfP du 17 avril (leur prochain album n'en finit pas de sortir)
Gil Scott-Heron c'est merveilleux!
la musique de Raymond Scot a été samplée par beaucoup de gens dont Doom récemment...
et encore beaucoup de recherche de rythmes bizarres (DVA)...

Hors ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 15680
Mon, 15 March
a shift in the weather? (chart)
1. Twilight Speedball by Mos Def
2. Fancy Clown by Allah's Reflection, Mavillain & Viktor Vaughn
3. Baiafro by The Gaslamp Killer
4. Exhibit C by Jay Electronica
5. Penny's Confession by Ras G
6. Lose my Fuse by Muhsinah feat. Flying Lotus
7. MIA by MIA
8. Holidays by Gonjasufi
9. Itas important by Samiyam
10. Purify by Untold

Hors ligne little fishy

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 2551
Mon, 15 March
a shift in the weather? (chart)
1. Twilight Speedball by Mos Def
2. Fancy Clown by Allah's Reflection, Mavillain & Viktor Vaughn
3. Baiafro by The Gaslamp Killer
4. Exhibit C by Jay Electronica
5. Penny's Confession by Ras G
6. Lose my Fuse by Muhsinah feat. Flying Lotus
7. MIA by MIA
8. Holidays by Gonjasufi
9. Itas important by Samiyam
10. Purify by Untold


Hors ligne physical

  • Sklavax
  • **
    • Messages: 188
Wed, 05 May

BP again
shouldn't BP be held criminally responsible for the oil slick?
shouldn't the heads of BP be held to account?
this is not just a accident. this is a terrible crime.
record profits? nice.


Hors ligne little fishy

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 2551
out of office autoreply
on election day in these fair british isles.. avert your cynical eyes

1. The Lunatics(Have taken over the Asylum) by Fun Boy Three
2. Splitting the Atom by Massive Attack
3. Les Folies Françaises by Matmos
4. Sticky Situation(Toddla T & Seiji Mix) by Lady Chan
5. Veni vidi vici (Diplo rmx) by Black Lips
6. Mass in B Minor BWV 232, Credo: Chorus: Et Incarnatus Est Bach Mass in B minor by Münchner Philharmoniker & Sergiu Celibidache
7. Into Dust by Mazzy Star
8. My Beautiful Leah by Pj Harvey
9. Analogue Talk(Claknib) by AFX
10. Backdoor. Spyboter.A by AFX

from an old git

Et en son :

Hors ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 15680
Mon, 24 May
office chart ..
when you're not in the office_ you're in the park

1. 1977 Ana Tijoux
2. Ante Up Danny Drive thru
3. Formula Aphex Twin
4. Naima John Coltrane Quartet (village vanguard recordings)
5. The Heist Jaylib
6. Fram Blawan
7. Pneumonia Bjork
8. Chapel of Ghouls Boy 8-bit

Hors ligne physical

  • Sklavax
  • **
    • Messages: 188
Thu, 03 June

Office Chart for a week off

For all the nerds who are marveling, like me, at Red Dead Redemption: here's a different kind of office chart.....

Braid (various)
Marathon (Mac)
Goldeneye (N64)
Elite (BBC Micro)
Cave Story (various)
Ico (PS2)
Red Dead Redemption (PS3)
Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64)
Zelda Twighlight Princess (Wii)
Half Life 1 and 2 (Mac, PS3)

Having written that, I think Ico might be the best one. Now back to Bonnie's ranch....


Hors ligne astyl120

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 3044
Plus de doutes, Jonny est un vrai geek.

Deaf, dumb and blind