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Tue, 27 September great web site http://www.preoccupations.org/2005/09/911.htmlpost 9/11 article with lowell quote from 66this site is an amazing blog done by a friend who teaches english in Oxford. Colin
good evening right now colin is reading that strange devarahi synth book.stanley is hammering and making greetings cards which may or may not be for christmas.im working on something that i think is called PAY DAY. im gonna lay the lyrics line by line on the floor and shuffle them. and im having to play gentle fingerpicking over furious beat.ed is sick as a dog at the moment poor guy. he is feeling very sorry for himself and keeps sending us sad little texts.in the distance there is a cloud but as im in an ok mood i can keep it away........friends of the earth have asked me whether i would meet Tony Blair at downing street to discuss what our government is not doing about climate change..i dont know if this will ever happen for certain.... it is rattling around in the back of my mind and concerns me a lot. i have no intention of being used by spider spin doctors to make it look like we make progress when it is just words. id love to know what you think but i cant ask.youd say oh ther e he goes again interfering and meddling in politics why doesnt he get on with the music and shut up.perhaps because i feel like a hypocrit if dont do anything, and equally feel like a hypocrit if i try getting involved.nobody wants to know. none of u s do, me included id love to forget about it like your average Times reader. wed all like it to go away. turn to to the rising sea and say come back later im busy right now.Blair has been uttering nonsense lately about kyoto and such, real la la stuff... looks like th eamerican right have finally eaten his mind... blah blah why on earth would i meet this man? o r perhaps that is exactly why i should. but i dont have powers of persuasion, i just have temper and an acid tongue.trust me i find this as dull as you do... politics is poison.. what do yout think i should do?speak to you later Thom
storm coming satellite not workingrain rattling down the chimney. windows buffering.not got th e words to PAY DAY yet.but today i got the words to BURN THE (WHITE?) WITCH.. thats a good un. jonny has losts of orchestration tasks now including this..('oh good' says he exiting stage left)blackboard filling up with ideas. lots of things happening all over the studio at once.. which i always like.. although i keep having to remind myself to sit down occasionally.night night Thom
Sinon, à propos de l'album, beaucoup de choses semblent arriver...Jonny et Ed ne sont pas en studio. Stanley dessine toujours, et Colin apprend à manipuler le Devarahi. Suuuuupeeeer :sarcastic: Enfin bref, beaucoup d'idées semblent fuser, et Thom a l'air d'apprécier. Donc j'apprécie ^^
Hum sinon, pour ce qui est de la vie politique de Thom, je parlais tout en supposant qu'il était vraiment impliqué, mais j'ai parlé un peu vite. Tu as raison, c'est triste à dire, mais Thom est une image avant tout. Puis, d'après ce que j'ai compris, cette interview n'est pas de son initiative directe. M'enfin
lots of loose endshttp://so now we have..lots of loose ends.or starts.two weeks sketching things.chipping away at structures.making polyphonic sweeps.mountains of words.the blackboard is filling up.
letter to loosie dear loosiei wont do it if i think i have to compromise what i might say at the meeting or afterwards. ill simply refuse. im going as me to say what i think....if it smells then im f****ng out of there..i also wont do it if i think they ar e gonna make a big deal out of it, that weve reached an agreement or other shit or spin it.i dont think thats in FOEs or anyone elses interest(apart form theirs).im calm. im zen. i have my armour on and my phazors on stun.thm Thom