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hunting android · 1620 · 541979

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Comme quoi faire surgir une colombe à partir de petites pièces de puzzle est une manière de construire la paix dans le monde !!!
Je sais c'est pas terrible !

P.S : est-ce que qqn pourrait dire le nom du pub dans lequel se produisait le groupe à Oxford ? j'aimerais y faire un pélerinage !

Hors ligne hunting android

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Hors ligne [marco]

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Citation de: "hunting android"
jericho tavern il me semble.?

c'est exA.

Hors ligne hunting android

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Sun, 16 October
  two days off, sunday spent dragging a puppy around Abingdon.
    back tomorrow, after a full on week of recording a song a day, some not even on the of jonny's tunes, packing a lot in 2 mins 45 seconds! Spent weekend agreeing with Nick Cohen, hoping Simon Starling would win the Turner, listening to new modeselektor album, and waiting to get the boards of canada and pharrell williams tomorrow. Exciting talk of shows next year; it's good to have a plot. Another week ahead in the studio, then more in December. I'll keep you posted this week with more news and wonky shots, so wish us luck!

Hors ligne Jeman

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Citation de: "hunting android"
Sun, 16 October
  two days off, sunday spent dragging a puppy around Abingdon.
    back tomorrow, after a full on week of recording a song a day, some not even on the of jonny's tunes, packing a lot in 2 mins 45 seconds! Spent weekend agreeing with Nick Cohen, hoping Simon Starling would win the Turner, listening to new modeselektor album, and waiting to get the boards of canada and pharrell williams tomorrow. Exciting talk of shows next year; it's good to have a plot. Another week ahead in the studio, then more in December. I'll keep you posted this week with more news and wonky shots, so wish us luck!


Hors ligne hunting android

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Citation de: "hunting android"
Sun, 16 October
  two days off, sunday spent dragging a puppy around Abingdon.
    back tomorrow, after a full on week of recording a song a day, some not even on the of jonny's tunes, packing a lot in 2 mins 45 seconds! Spent weekend agreeing with Nick Cohen, hoping Simon Starling would win the Turner, listening to new modeselektor album, and waiting to get the boards of canada and pharrell williams tomorrow. Exciting talk of shows next year; it's good to have a plot. Another week ahead in the studio, then more in December. I'll keep you posted this week with more news and wonky shots, so wish us luck!

 :huhu:  :huhu:  :huhu:

Hors ligne hunting android

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    it is the end of our two week session.

we re splitting up its all shit. were washed. up. finished.

only kidding.

it was fun. some of it has been really great fun. and there were moments that stick in my head when i went 'TUNE!' 'TuNE!'

like tonight listening through
' house of cards.'

its us, no denying it. bu t thats cool.. i like it. it has its own power. cant fight that i suppose. although i see it as my duty to try.

i will dread listening to it all after we have left in the real world. i always dread that. id much rather start something new and forget. but right good.
guess thats why the blackboard is full.



Hors ligne hunting android

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a l'instant

the dogs have gone to bed
    friday night ....... the end of a two week session .......riffs and fragments of the songs going round my head ...... its been great .... its always difficult to judge right now but i think we may have got 'bodysnatchers' ...... had a couple of sticky days at the beginning of the week but saw it through .... on a roll now ..... lots of stuff to be done yet, but so far so good.... the studio is fab, its so good to play in and listen.... you know what works and what doesn't ..... the only problem is you will never hear what you do sound so good as the sound system is outrageous .... ths studio also sits on the edge of some beautiful woodland .... had a great ray mears moment in the wood today on a solitary walk when i came across some deer and hid behind a tree to watch them for a few minutes ...... time to head off i'm really tired.... goodnight.

Hors ligne Nouf

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au moins ils se sont fait plaisir pendant cet enregistrement.
ça change de celui de Ok Computer...

Hors ligne hunting android

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en même temps ce sont les albums qui sont nés dans la douleur qui sont les plus réussis...ok, kid a et Amnesiac...

J'espere que l'album ne sera pas un Httt bis, avec des chansons à la go to sleep et des truczs éléctros à la backdrift...

Autant la direction prise avec Arpeggi m'enthousiasme, autant house of cards me laisse de marbre...

Bref, hate de pouvoir chopper les enregistrements de ces dernieres semaines sur le web pour savoir ce que ça donne :lumena: (c'est beau de rever)

Hors ligne hunting android

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     any ideas?
answers on a post card or th e messageboard or in a wheely bin....

 :lol:  :lol: pauvre Jonny

Hors ligne hunting android

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Hors ligne zit0un

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Hors ligne Jeman

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Citation de: "hunting android"
photo de jonny retirée de DAS :glob:

ça me rappelle le jour où il y avait eu une "possible" photo de Nicolas dans l'album photo... bizarrement, cette photo "qui ne le représentait pas du tout" a disparu... bizarre ? vous avez dit bizarre ? comme c'est bizarre !