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Apparement, wikipedia a pris la blague de Thom au sérieux http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Radiohead&oldid=40282626
Mon, 20 February nude monday morning.jonny is hastily writing out scores for a string quartet who are comign tommoro.right now we are working on nude, it sounds beautiful, as far as i can tell.i hope we dont get i'll. there is a lot of sickness about. especially for the children.thm Thom
Radiohead work on 'lost 'OK Computer' song'The band continue recording the follow-up to 'Hail To The Thief'Radiohead are working on a song in the studio that they've not been able to get right for almost ten years.The track, 'Nude' was played on the tour to promote 'OK Computer', but never properly recorded.Bootleg versions of the track have circulated amongst fans over the internet, but a full studio version has never surfaced.Now singer Thom Yorke has now confirmed it's set for inclusion on their new album, which is due this year.Writing online, he said: "Jonny (Greenwood) is hastily writing out scores for a string quartet who are coming tommorow. Right now we are working on 'Nude', it sounds beautiful, as far as I can tell."An early version of the song appears on the band documentary 'Meeting People Is Easy'.Radiohead are in the studio with producer Mark 'Spike' Stent. The group are hoping to release new material in early summer, with the album to follow later in the year.They're tipped to play at August's V Festival - a date which will be preceded by a low-key tour of the UK.Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood are also confirmed to appear at London KOKO at a benefit concert for Friends Of The Earth (May 1).
Je suis trop content là Mais par contre ils ont interet à faire une version qui déchire, tout le monde l'attend depuis quasiment 10 ans