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il est spécial car il comporte un orchestre a cordes :)
à ce rythme là, l'album va sentir bon la pendaison !
kingdom come"The economy is rolling along an endless plateau, and consumers are bored with the view. Something strange is needed to get them to sit up.""The consumerist society is a kind of soft police state. We think we have a choice, but everything is compulsory. We have to keep buying or we fail as citizens.""The danger is that consumerism will need something close to fascism in order to keep growing.""We're like bored children. We've been on holiday for too long, and we've been given too many presents."from Kingdom Come by J G BallardThom
Freeware japanese game - five years in the making, and a work of art:http://www.nakiwo.com/software.htmRead about it and get the english patcher here(also at wikipedia entry for Doukutsu Monogatari):http://www.miraigamer.net/cavestory/Jonny