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http://www.foe.co.uk/.. after a long burn out day doing interviews here i feeling like my head is exploding...and my brain has been rep[placed by and expanding vacumn.. is this normal doctor?"yeszzz ziss is qwvite normal.."anyway thankyou to everybody who keeps coming up to me that like IN RAINBOWs and what we've done xi heard today that the british prime minister, gordon his name is, has finally stopped faffing about and is talking about climate change as the inconvenient truth that it is, which ,being as i am involved with friends of the earth and the campaign to get a good law passed that really commits in the uk us to DO SOMETHINGfast, is (at least on the surface) a Good thing..for the sake of all the people who have been helping in the campaign and have written to their letters i do hope that this is genuinely meant ....up until now there has been not a lot of not a lot..if there is a law then we all have to act. imagine if there was a similair law in the US? in AUstralia? in Japan? then there would be a giant ball rolling.. perhaps this one would be going in the right direction..am i dreaming? i am not the only one.(ahem~)heres what friends of the earth had to say if your innerestedlove thomGordon Brown's pledge to make Britain a world leader in tackling climate change has been welcomed today by Friends of the Earth. But the environmental campaign group said his words must now be matched by urgent action to cut UK carbon dioxide emissions, which have risen since Labour came to power. This must include a comprehensive review of all Government policies and strengthening its proposals for a new law to cut UK carbon dioxide emissions, which is due to be discussed by Parliament next week."After a summer of lobbying, wriggling, and confusion, the?Government's apparent change of heart on renewable power is fantastic news, but will only be credible if new policies emerge to actually meet targets. Britain lags a long way behind most of our European neighbours on renewable power, despite having the greatest wind, wave and tidal resource in Europe. We should be able to contribute our fair share of the EU-wide renewable?energy commitment and source at least 20% of our energy from?renewables by 2020."Friends of the Earth is calling on the Government to take urgent action on climate change including:Strengthening proposals for a new climate change law.Following a campaign led by Friends of the Earth through The Big Ask climate campaign (www.thebigask.com), the Government has agreed to introduce a new law to tackle climate change. This will be the first national legislation anywhere in the world to set legally-binding targets for cutting carbon dioxide emissions. Friends of the Earth says it must be strengthened to ensure a cut of at least 80 per cent in emissions by 2050, include pollution from Britain's share of international aviation and shipping, and set annual milestones to ensure that we stay on track. The bill is due to be discussed in Parliament next week and could be law within six months.http://www.foe.co.uk/resource/press_releases/climate_change_bill_friend_29102007.html2. Boosting renewables, including* Expanding offshore wind tenfold by 2020* Rolling out CHP and micro-renewables to homes, community and?public buildings - through grants, public procurement and a feed-in?tariff to guarantee a premium price for the electricity they?generate.?* Backing projects to demonstrate the potential of promising?technologies such as vertical axis offshore wind turbines and tidal?lagoons* Increasing by tenfold research and development into new? technologies - such as wave, solar, and energy storage, and?transmission technologies, such as hydrogen fuel cells and advanced?cables.* Championing major international renewable infrastructure?projects - including concentrated solar power (CSP) in North?Africa; offshore wind in the North Sea; and an extensive high- voltage direct current grid so that renewable electricity can be distributed across Europe and?surrounding regions.3. Surface transport The Government must tackle climate change from transport. This should include scrapping motorway-widening schemes and increasing investment in public transport and other low-carbon transport solutions.4. AviationPlans to allow airports to expand should be frozen and more must be done to make the cost of flying reflect the environmental damage that it causes. Greater investment in rail could make this an attractive alternative to short-haul flights.5. Budgetary measures are required to make it easier and cheaper for people to go greenyip.Thom
nouveau visuel. perso, beurk.et du coup, plus d'hodiau direkton...
The End of The BeginningHello Everyone,The download area that is “In Rainbows” will be shutting its doors on the 10th December 2007.A big thank you to everyone who came and downloaded the music. It’s been the most positive thing we’ve done and we hope you shared the experience with others.The discbox will still be available from the w.a.s.t.e store here until they have all gone. We then have no plans to make further stock.For those of you who wish to buy In Rainbows in the usual way, it will be available on CD/Vinyl and download from traditional outlets from the 31st December 2007.The record will be released by TBD Records in North America and XL Recordings for the rest of the world.Thanks for everything.
quel titre :)