dead air space/Off Topic

hunting android · 1620 · 543965

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Hors ligne alienxing

  • pascalien
  • Petit scarabé
  • *
    • Messages: 5
WOW fantastic I see You have time for this It's "recreation" as we say in France...
I bet you look good on the patinoire

Hors ligne Bébéééééé

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 1920
Quelques photos et vidéos de la tournée sur le DAS, notamment une vidéo d'un soundcheck (mais sans son)

Hors ligne Dr. Buck

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 1237
Thu, 28 August
Might come in handy.
If you've got a mac, download flip4mac for your quicktime player, or download VLC.

If you're on windows, make sure your windows media player is working or download VLC.

quelqu'un sait pourquoi?

Hors ligne Simleouf

  • Sklavax
  • **
    • Messages: 435
Santa Barbara
Hello! To celebrate the end of a brilliant tour, we're going to webcast the last show here in America. We'll be playing live in Santa Barbara, at the Bowl. It's one of our favourite places to play; I think we've ended tours there before, once even playing a cover of ' cinnamon girl '. It's not too big, in fact it's very intimate, a small arena with a dirt floor, set in pretty countryside. It should be a special night, for lots of reasons, and we're going to try and share as much of it as we can on the webcast. Nigel, our producer, will be helping out getting it to you, so if it goes wrong....It's live!

Thank you so much to everyone who's come and seen us this year; it has truly been the most special and exciting tour for all of us.

Webcast details to follow...
:love: :love:

Hors ligne Dr. Buck

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 1237
ok bon bah wake up à 3h du mat' les gens, moi j'suis opérationnel ^^

Hors ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 15681
Bon, je suis trop crevé...
ça fera un joli dvd de la tournée :)

Amusez vous bien!

Hors ligne little fishy

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 2551
Alors, a t-il eu le lieu ce webcast ?
Et si oui, c'était à quelle heure ?

Hors ligne little fishy

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 2551
3 liens pour telecharger des extraits du dit webcast (radiohead via atease) :

(pour moi, le dernier ne fonctionne pas)
« Modifié: ven. 29 août 2008, 16:05:43 par nicolas »

Hors ligne nicolas

  • Administrateur
  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 7761
la vache !! ils auraient pu prevenir avant  :warrior:

To celebrate the end of a brilliant tour,
ouais sinon ca va les chevilles ?  :o