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Hors ligne arsen

  • Bidule
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moi je dis que ca sort en Mars... ca laisse le temps de faire de la promo télé et pas concerts avant l'été et les festivals.
enfin je dis ca je dis rien...

Hors ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
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    • Messages: 15680
office chart
its about time you showed up for work

1.King Of Clubs - Apparat
2.Senorita - Actress
3.South London Boroughs- Burial
4.Organ Concerto in A Minor, BWV 593 after Vivaldi's Concerto Op. 3, No. 8 - Wolfgang Rübsam
5.Whole World - Aloe Blacc
6.Mosh Pit - DJ Trouble
7.The Curlew - Nathan Fake
8.The Turtle - Nathan Fake
9.A Jackson In Your House - The Art Ensemble of Chicago
10. Kill A Man With A Joystick In Your Hand - D'eon
11. Supreme Cunnilingus - Actress

Hors ligne hunting android

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    • Messages: 15680
13 January
Shock Doctrine
An admirably restrained report from the New Economics Foundation, written by Anna Coote...
Download the PDF.
Friedman's economic shock therapy, coming right now to a country very near you.

Hors ligne hunting android

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08 February
The Dignity Revolution
What have twitter and facebook ever done for us?

Obviously, keeping in touch with everyone but I have to say I have become increasingly excited over the last 3 months about the possibilities of this form of communication.Yes I am very slow out of the blocks. It's in the arena of public protest that it seems twitter and facebook are increasingly the means by which popular movements throughout the world are able to come together and mobilise.

I have been so moved by the peaceful Jasmine revolution in Tunisia; The anti-Government demonstrations centred on Tahrir Square in Cairo.. Social networking has helped facilitate the freedom to assemble peacefully and express oneself. Equally in Britain it seems to be having a similar effect in helping essential protests being organised by students and groups such as UK Uncut against the Government's ill thought out cuts ... Well done those people!

Le prochain album en téléchargement via les reseaux sociaux? :hehe:

Sur twitter:
The Jasmine Revolution... #das

Le site (qui renvoit au site a été crée fin novembre.
« Modifié: mar. 8 février 2011, 12:49:39 par hunting android »

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Lost Child

Group: Member
Posts: 1400
Joined: 6-January 06
From: The Ocean
Member No.: 20267

das posts add a tag that also submit to facebook and twitter.

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Hors ligne FadeOut

  • Bidule
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Lost Child

Group: Member
Posts: 1400
Joined: 6-January 06
From: The Ocean
Member No.: 20267

das posts add a tag that also submit to facebook and twitter.

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Hors ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
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    • Messages: 15680
office chart...
1.Fog (Jamie xx Remix) Nosaj Thing Drift (Remixed)
2.Tripped Up Ramadanman Re-Edit Shortstuff Mickey Pearce
3. Sun Days Macc & dgoHn
4. Keep Time Shed
5. Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 903: Fantasia Christophe Rousset Bach: Harpsichord Works
6. SP Morgan Zarate
7. Chazm Julio Bashmore
8. Seamonkey (Untold Remix) Moderat
9. Stereo Freeze Untold
10. 7c 1020 Macc & dgoHn

Hors ligne FadeOut

  • Bidule
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    • Messages: 1539
for a while I have felt the need to write something for our fans, I am very fond of japan and feel awful seeing what has happened since the earthquake and tsunami...
my friends in Tokyo tell me there are now big powercuts and though the city is still functioning there is a lot of re-evaluating going on. Tokyo the temple to light and power is something different now.
that such a fast paced hyperkinetic place can be brought to it's knees is shocking even before the worries over radiation from the reactors.
it is hard to imagine how it must feel
to have witnessed such devastation by mother nature and so many dead .. and. I think a lot about the rest of japan and how it will rebuild itself. how much of a struggle and a leap of faith the Japanese will have to make.

I'm told that in the rest of japan life is carrying on almost normally but rebuilding what has been lost is going to be a massive job.
I hope that the Japanese people we have met over the years are not freaking out, and I like to think the way japan comes out of this will be an inspiration to us all.

Hors ligne Woulouf

  • Bidule
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    • Messages: 1093
Colin fait la promo d'un concert de charité à Londres pour le Japon (mais sans Radiohead  :( )

Hors ligne physical

  • Sklavax
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    • Messages: 188
29 April

I want to spread the word about a book that I read almost exactly a year ago, which I think some of you will adore/recognise/need. It’s a book called ‘Wild’ and it’s written by Jay Griffiths and it is an astonishing piece of writing and it was exactly what I needed to read….
I was not in the greatest of places .. I was feeling low, getting increasingly disturbed and frustrated by the state of pretty much everything in the 21st century, which, can be simply summarised as the inability of the vast majority of our business and political leaders to truly look after the welfare of the vast majority of this planet’s citizens and the earth that we all live on….Nothing new then?! …..Well… this book was truly medicinal and like all great music, it helped to lift me up and pull me out of this low level depression… Reading it, felt like one of those amazing moments in life where one feels an overwhelming sense of relief and amazement that someone could actually be writing about the very things that seemed to be affecting oneself ….. It makes you feel less alone….And it does this in such a beautiful, passionate and raw way ….
If you got a copy of ‘The Universal Sigh’, you will notice that Jay Griffiths contributed a piece to it …. I don’t normally recommend books on DAS, but seeing as I’ve given away probably 20 or so copies of it to friends and family, I thought some of you should know about this … Good luck …


Hors ligne cris_

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ah ben voilà à quoi il sert ed, c'est celui qui lit des livres.

Hors ligne physical

  • Sklavax
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    • Messages: 188
office chart against antimatter
impossible knots and accidental adventures

1. stolen dog Burial
2. carol ann Soft Machine
3. chant to mother earth BLO
4. lowe Brokenchord
5. paradise circus Massive Attack
6. are you ready? Aloe Blacc
7. vibrations(alternate) Mono_Poly
8. another girl Jaques Greene
9. guilty Billie Holiday
