Concerts en 2006

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Hors ligne hunting android

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Thom: small Radiohead gigs in 2006

Thom made an appearance on Radiohead's official message board, where he talked about rumoured Argentina gigs:

this year is not far from over. next year we will play some small gigs. actually maybe a couple of large ones too. but im afraid2006 will not include argentina. if we are all still here in 2007 then it would be great.

Hors ligne Canard de barbarie

  • Bidule
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hum hum :huhu:

et mon cdd qui finit fin janvier, je serais sans doute dispo, ou qu'ils aillent (en europe de l'est selon les dernières rumeurs)

let's hoard :wanker:


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Hors ligne arsen

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Citation de: "Anonymous"
t'irais même en dvd du 21 novembre?????

sympa mais que veux-tu dire ?

Hors ligne max and the astral cars

  • Bidule
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Je crois pas que j'irais les voir ailleurs qu'en France.  Peut être à Londres, et encore...

2006 c'est bientôt non ?


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justement, en france, ou en dvd, mais pas ailleurs !!!..

Hors ligne hunting android

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According to this weeks NME, Radiohead have been asked to headline next years V festival. A Radiohead insider claims: "They've been approached to do it, and will definitely been playing live next year" A spokesperson for the festival in the UK has said that no bands will be announced until March 2006 [thanks FatSimon]

Hors ligne hunting android

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Radiohead scoff at festival rumours
Wednesday, November 9 2005, 22:30 GMT -- by Miriam Zendle

A spokesman for Radiohead has denied rumours that the band are lined up to play the V Festival next July.

The rep explained to BBC offshoot 6 Music that the group have in fact not confirmed any live dates for next year. The band are currently working on the follow up to hit album Hail To The Thief.

T In The Park CEO Geoff Ellis said that he was already trying to organise his festival's line-up for next year "We're talking to some acts already," he said. "We've got our wishlist...we're confident we're going to have a fantastic line-up again."

He added that the festival's playlist would be released in February.

Hors ligne ben le petit red

  • Sklavax
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Merci pour les infos ! ça ferait plaisir un petit concert là :D

" The band are currently working on the follow up to hit album Hail To The Thief " MIAM ! ^^
You can say everything you'll always be my second choice!

Hors ligne the bends

  • Petit scarabé
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salut je suis le petit nouveau d'aujourd'hui!!! : :hey:  j'été deja inscrit sur un autre forum ( mais sous le pseudo pépé, et ouais je disais de l'autre coté (le coté obscur de la force) :vaderetro:  :D que y'a surement moyen de les voir cet été en France!! enfin on peut esperer!!! moi perso je mise gros sur les eurocks a belfort, comme je compte bien y aller!!!!
sometimes you have to go away in order to come back..

Hors ligne hunting android

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j'espère quand même qu'ils ne se contenteront pas des festivals...

Hors ligne Lum

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Hors ligne Kzrystof

  • Sklavax
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idem... quoiqu'il y a le Festival de Jazz à Montréal ... après Montreux... pourquoi pas... héhéhé  :oui:

Hors ligne the bends

  • Petit scarabé
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ah bien entendu j'espere moi aussi festival mais aussi tous le reste histoire de les voir pas qu'une fois!!!!!! :huhu:
sometimes you have to go away in order to come back..