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Le retour en force d'une rumeur pourtant déja démentie il y a quelques mois.

Article de AT EASE

Warner confirms: Radiohead scores 'A Scanner Darkly'

In earlier reports, Radiohead were rumoured to do the score for the film 'A Scanner Darkly'. Later on these rumours were denied again. But now film distributor Warner Independent Pictures confirms that Radiohead is doing the score for Richard Linklater's upcoming film version of the Philip K. Dick novel. Keanu Reeves stars in the futuristic story of government espionage, which will be rendered in the rotoscope-animated style of Linklater's Waking Life. Originally slated for a fall 2005 release, the film is now due out in limited release July 7. [source: Entertainment Weekly]

Posted by adriaan at March 18, 2006 12:26 AM

et quelques liens:

A day after telling EW that Radiohead would be scoring A Scanner Darkly, director Richard Linklater's film adaptation of the Philip K. Dick sci-fi novel, Warner Independent Pictures is singing a slightly different tune. Instead of a full-blown original score, the film will feature music by Radiohead, including a brand-new track from lead singer Thom Yorke's upcoming solo release :hum:  :glob:  :glob: . Warner Independent is still working out what music will make the cut, and couldn't say if the tracks would be all new or a mix of old and new. It wouldn't be the first movie with Radiohead music, of course -- that snippet of "Everything in its Right Place" was arguably the best thing about Vanilla Sky. If Linklater wants to go back to the vaults, may we suggest a track from 1997's OK Computer: "Exit Music for a film"


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Vraiment étrange ! Comment feraient-ils étant donné que le film est en fin de post-production ? Généralement, la musique est élaborée avant ou au pire pendant le tournage. Il est très rare de voir un score en cours d'écriture alors que le film est déjà en boîte : dernièrement pour King Kong... Je ne sais pas si je dois m'enthousiasmer ou m'inquiéter au contraire. Pourvu que cela ne nuise pas au LP7 !

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No Scanner Darkly Score, but new Thom solo work

A day after telling EW that Radiohead would be scoring A Scanner Darkly, director Richard Linklater's film adaptation of the Philip K. Dick sci-fi novel, Warner Independent Pictures is singing a slightly different tune. Instead of a full-blown original score, the film will feature music by Radiohead, including a brand-new track from lead singer Thom Yorke's upcoming solo release. Warner Independent is still working out what music will make the cut, and couldn't say if the tracks would be all new or a mix of old and new. [thanks Jeremy]

Posted by adriaan at March 19, 2006 07:18 AM


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Richard Linklater, Keanu Reeves, Philip K. Dick, Thom Yorke. What do these people have in common? A movie, of course.

Verifying a rumor that has been floating around the interweb for months, Entertainment Weekly revealed last week that Radiohead will contribute music to Before Sunrise / School of Rock director Richard Linklater's adaptation of Philip K. Dick's cult science fiction book A Scanner Darkly. The film, which stars Keanu Reeves, is due in theaters July 7.

Although the band won't be responsible for the flick's entire score, Warner Independent Pictures told EW that A Scanner Darkly will "feature music by Radiohead, including a brand-new track from lead singer Thom Yorke's upcoming solo release." We're eager to watch Keanu Reev-- wait, WHAT? A Thom Yorke solo album?!?! Since when did he go all Beyonce on us? Or rather, since when did he go all Jonny Greenwood?

Of course, Radiohead keeps its official news guarded like the Pentagon, so we'll have to wait until some huge corporate magazine finds out what's going on before we can give you more information on Thom's solo jawn.

As for the new Radiohead album, we can only assume that's what Yorke was referring to last week when he posted on Radiohead's blog a week ago about "furiously writing, working out parts. cracking up. not much time left. unshure about everything." Unless he's coming up with a new soufflé recipe.

Yorke and Greenwood will perform at Friends of the Earth's The Big Ask Live benefit concert at KoKo in London on May 1. The charity event is sold out, but scalpers are selling tickets online for obscene sums of money. Naturally, this makes the band, and the charity, very angry. Buy one of those, and you are an Enemy of the Earth.

Radiohead have also slowly started fleshing out their summer touring plans. They will perform at the Sziget Festival in Hungary sometime between August 9 and 16, at the V Festival at Weston Park in Staffordshire, England on August 20, and, of course, at Bonnaroo in Tennessee on June 16-18.

C'mon everybody, chant with me now: TOUR! TOUR! TOUR! TOUR! TOUR!

Comme dirait Benigni : "mon coeur est époustouflant !!! je n'ai pas de mots pour vous dire tout mon amour !!!"  :nananere:

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Thom Yorke's track for A Scanner Darkly

The earlier reported track Thom Yorke made available for the film 'A Scanner Darkly' is called 'Black Swan'.

In film magazine Premiere, there is an interview with director Richard Linklater about his upcoming film. The director was asked if he got the Radiohead song he wanted.

Linklater said: "Thom Yorke is letting us use a great song off his new album for the closing credits, "Black Swan." It has a chorus, "because it's fucked up," that will never get airplay. [thanks Jason & Ari]

Posted by adriaan at May 11, 2006 11:48 AM

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je veux l'ecouter !!!!
ou est ma m u le ?

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Cool! Mais j'attends toujours une B.O entiere faite par radiohead. Pas de chansons juste des instrus dans le style musicalement de "the amazing sound of orgy" ou les morceaux crées pour "the most gygantic...". Le tout pour un film un peu barré ou d'anticipation avec son propre univers graphique genre à la Fincher ou Gondry! Enfin bon je crois pas que ce soit prés d'arriver  :snif:
De la joie de la joie de vivre et du jambon!! C'est ça la clef du bonheur!!