Session accoustique du 1er mai !

The Lukewarm (again) · 60 · 27998

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Hors ligne The Lukewarm (again)

  • Petit scarabé
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Voilà, comme tout le monde le sait ici - je suppose - le couple Yorke/Greenwood doit faire une session accoustique à la radio demain. Est-ce que cette session est confirmée ? Quel est le nom de la radio ? Y a-t-il un site internet pour y assister ?
Ernestine, j'en ai connu des comme toi... Un peu plus fines, un peu moins sûres de leurs lois...

Hors ligne hunting android

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ce n'est pas une session radio mais un concert acoustique à Londres pour The big ask

Friends of the Earth announced today that tickets for ‘The Big Ask Live’ concert, featuring Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead, will go on sale from midday on Saturday 11 March. Only a thousand tickets are available for the exclusive gig at KOKO in Camden, London that will also star Gruff Rhys, lead singer of the eclectic Welsh band Super Furry Animals and Kate Rusby, voted the Best Live Act in the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards.

The London gig is the highlight of a series of concerts being held across the country in support of ‘The Big Ask,’ a Friends of the Earth campaign that is calling on the UK government to take action to combat climate change.

Thom Yorke, who helped launch ‘The Big Ask’ campaign in May 2005, said: “It’s good to get involved with something that’s positive and constructive, rather then falling into the trap of thinking there is nothing you can do about climate change.”

Tickets, which will cost £55 each, can be purchased on line from Ticketweb at or from 08700 600 100. All proceeds go directly to Friend of the Earth ‘The Big Ask’ Campaign.

For the latest information go to:

Hors ligne Nicolaaas)*

  • Petit scarabé
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    • Messages: 59
On aura des bootlegs dans la nuit, ou au pire le lendemain matin.
Et y'a pas mal de types sur les forums qui veulent amener un caméscope apparemment :miam:

Ahhhh vivement l'écoute de nouvelles chansons! De toutes façons, on aura des versions full band 5 jours plus tard  :huhu:
des visages, des figures, dévisagent, défigurent...


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bonjours a tous,je voudrais savoir si quelqu'un peu m'aider a trouvé une radio sur internet ,ou le concert pourrai éventuellements passé. j'écoute bbc2 mais il ne parle de rien. putain a l'aide


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je sais que c'est pas une session radio mais ca devrais passé a quelques part....... bon je cherche

Hors ligne hunting android

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Thom & Jonny at London's Koko [live report]

Thom Yorke & Jonny Greenwood are currently playing at London's Koko at the Big Ask Live; On an Ondes Martenot has been spotted on stage. David Cameron and Jools Holland are rumoured to be there. Simon Amstall is presenting the show.

01 Karma Police
02 There There - Someone from the crowd shouts "Thom for PM". Thom: "Then I'll have to make compromises"
03 Arpeggi {with two acoustics}
04 Fake Plastic Trees.
05 Bodysnatchers {with a 'great riff'}
06 Pyramid Song
07 How to disappear completely
08 No Surprises
09 Symbol/Cymbal/Simple Rush {Thom on piano to backing of his recorded voice on a loop going 'uh'. Jonny on the Ondes Martenot.}
10 I Might Be Wrong
11 Street Spirit
12 Gagging Order
13 Paranoid Android

Hors ligne hunting android

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et reckoner en final

putaiiin je veux mon bootleg

Hors ligne hunting android

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Radiohead make live return
New songs at London show
Radiohead singer Thom Yorke and bandmate Jonny Greenwood have played new songs at a special one-off show in London.

The pair took a rare trip out of their Oxford studio, where they're working on the follow-up to 'Hail To The Thief' to play the KOKO club in aid of Friends Of The Earth.

The concert (May 1) is being held in support of The Big Ask, Friends Of The Earth's climate campaign. During the show, which was hosted by former Popworld presenter Simon Amstell, the band played semi-acoustic versions of some of their biggest hits and three new songs.

The tracks, 'Arpeggi', 'Bodysnatchers' and another as yet untitled, were mixed in with songs such as 'Karma Police', 'No Surprises' and closer 'Paranoid Android.

'Arpeggi', a ballad, was played by Yorke on finger-picked acoustic and Greenwood on softly distorted electric guitar. It featured the lyrics "Why should I stay here... I'd be crazy not to follow." Towards the end of the song, Greenwood swapped his guitar and started playing organ.

'Bodysnatchers' was far more uptempo and featured the lyric "I'm trapped in this body... can't get out," while the third new song was the best of the bunch.

At the beginning, Yorke sampled and looped his own voice to create a drum beat before playing a piano over the top. The song featured the line "You should have took me out when you had a chance."

Two other the members of Radiohead, bassist Colin Greenwood and guitarist Ed O'Brien watched the show from the balcony. Other stars in the audience included band producer Nigel Godrich, Michael and Emily Eavis and David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party.

The setlist ran:
'Karma Police'
'There There'
'Fake Plastic Trees'
'Pyramid Song'
'How To Disappear Completely'
'No Surprises'
'I Might Be Wrong'
'Street Spirit (Fade Out)'
'Gagging Order'
'Paranoid Android'

Other artists who appeared on the night included Super Furry Animals singer Gruff Rhys and UK folk singer Kate Rusby.

Radiohead now go back into rehearsals for their forthcoming club tour which starts this coming Saturday in Copenhagen. This week's NME, out Wednesday nationwide, contains a full preview of the tour.

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Hors ligne The Lukewarm (again)

  • Petit scarabé
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    • Messages: 39
Depuis le temps que je rêvais d'un how to disappear purement accoustique !!!
Ernestine, j'en ai connu des comme toi... Un peu plus fines, un peu moins sûres de leurs lois...

Hors ligne hunting android

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    • Messages: 15680
Bon bah j'ai entendu une bonne moitié de bodysnatcher(bof bof)

30 secondes de cymbals miam miam

et j'essaye de voir arpeggi

mmmh arpeggi est pas mal en acoustique :love:

Hors ligne hunting android

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Citation de: "hunting android"
Bon bah j'ai entendu une bonne moitié de bodysnatcher(bof bof)

30 secondes de cymbals miam miam

et j'essaye de voir arpeggi

mmmh arpeggi est pas mal en acoustique :love:

raah j'ai trouvé le concert, mais que des vous uploade ça.