Radiohead à Copenhague(set list+Mp3+vidéos+review...)

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Apparement Radiohead vient de commencer son set avec bodysnatcher... :jap:

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1. Videotape
2. Bodysnatchers
3. *new one*
4. Arpeggi
5. *new one*
6. I think it was called Death Row or something
7. Cymbal Rush
8. NUDE!
9. There There
10. Lucky
11. Exit Music (For A Film)
12. Where I End And You Begin
13. I Might Be Wrong
14. No Surprises
15. Talk Show Host
16. Idioteque
17. Everything In Its Right Place

18. National Anthem
19. Burn The Witch
20. Fog
21. Paranoid Android

22. *new one*
23. Planet Telex
24. How To Disappear Completely

c'est peut être une connerie, ça vient du forum at ease

mais si c'est vrai :love:

EDIT:Fake :(


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The person who posted that just said this,

"Whoops! Sorry, I was just having some fun. I didn't think you guys would take the setlist seriously - that's why I added the 'may or may not' bit. I was just inventing a possible set.

At least it made the thread a bit more enjoyable! Sorry."


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Celle-ci peut-etre...
Everything In It's Right Place
Planet Telex
Bangers and Mash
Open Pick
Karma Police
Black Star
15 Step
Street Spirit
Wolf At The Door
The Bends
4 Minute Warning
Pyramid Song
House Of Cards
There There

You And Whose Army
Let Down
Paranoid Android


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j'allais le dire^^

Bon d'ici 15 min on devrait avoir une confirmation de set list.

EDIT: ça se confirme! Let down putain!!! :glob:


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Cette histoire de Thom qui joue de la batterie en même temps que Phil ça me fout une sacrée trique.

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NEws sur air-radio


et sinon

and a totally different version of Nude - funky bass and drum intro and no Rhodes - very different

huhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuhuhu :huhu:

et sinon bis

The new stage is pretty similar to HTTF tour except the backdrop and lighting are different. The backdrop is full of small video screens that have images of the band displayed at times, other times abstract versions of a member on their instrument. EIIRP opened the show and didn't close for a change. What a surprise. The lighting during Telex was incredible. Bangers and Mash featured Thom on tambourine for the first half then he switched to a small drum kit to finish the song. Open Pick featured Thom on guitar. Black Star was great. Nude (Big Ideas) was a slower version than I ever remember hearing. 15 Step probably featured the best new lyric "how come I end where I started" over and over a few times. Street Spirit (Fade Out) was as usual. Wolf at the Door, Thom seemed to hit every line which always amazes me. THE BENDS, my fave RH song of all time, holy snaps! 4 Minute Warning featured Thom on piano, great new song. Pyramid Song was as usual. House of Cards featured Thom on guitar. Idioteque kicked like always. Spooks was instrumental, short and kinda surf rockish? There There, always good, esp. when Johnny switches from Drums to guitar....that boy can play. Encore 1, Bodysnatchers featured Thom on guitar and he said something over and over about the lights going out. You and whose army again featured Thom singing to the camera. Let Down, was a treat and sounded great. Paranoid Android, nothing else to say about that one. Encore 2, Lucky....we were to see them opening night of the tour (full band that is) and we are lucky to see them again tomorrow night. A California boy in Denmark, who'da thunk?

i'm back at the hotel as well. back from the barrier, and i'm aching so badly, and my right ear is still sort of out.

house of cards is a lot sparser and jonny's part on house of cards was sort of atmospheric, i guess, and thom's strumming was conservative. he seems to be doing lots better guitar parts too, thom is.

thom stuck out his tongue a lot.

there was a song about poison, and he said "pick me" and "i have the poison" so i think that was open pick.

nude was brilliant, beginning with only bass and drums. then the second time around, jonny does some spare fingerpicking of the chords. very beautiful.

there was an instrumental too, wonderful, called spooks. thom went up to jonny and talked a bit before jonny went up to phil and they started this very energetic and fast one.

i'll say more later. i'm supposing videotape and arpeggi will be done tomorrow, as there were a lot of new songs, i'm guessing the eight new ones.

LET DOWN WAS AMAZING!!! and black star, and everything, opening with everything in its right place. amazing!!!


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Bangers n mash

Radiohead ROCKS is back !!!!!!

Je sais pas si c'est la meilleur mais Thom a la batterie !! ca vaut le coup d'oeil !!!!!!

"IMNOTTHERE IS BACK  (mais il a paumé son login..)"

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le mp3 ici

et des photos ici

JE la trouve enorme Bangers and mash :glob:
du rock cradingue et avec un tempo elevé...mais il va sonner comment ce lp7!!!!!


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Je viens de l'écouter (merci pour le lien)....Mais à quel moment Thom est censé être à la batterie???


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Citation de: "Anonymous"

Bangers n mash

Radiohead ROCKS is back !!!!!!

Je sais pas si c'est la meilleur mais Thom a la batterie !! ca vaut le coup d'oeil !!!!!!


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ya un passage ou on entend uniquement une guitare assez aigue et hystérique(1min 33 sur le mp3)
quand ça reprend ya thom a la batterie