The eraser...album en juillet!!!!!!(Thom solo)

hunting android · 641 · 221083

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Thom's album The Eraser out in July

this is just a note to say that something has been kicking around in the background that i have not told you about.
its called The Eraser.
nigel produced & arranged it .
i wrote and played it.
the elements have been kicking round now for a few years and needed to be finished & i have been itching to do something like this for ages.
it was fun and quick to do.
inevitably it is more beats & electronics.
but its songs.
stanley did the cover.
yes its a record!
no its not a radiohead record.
as you know the band are now touring and writing new stuff and getting to a good space so i want no crap about me being a traitor or whatever splitting up blah blah...
this was all done with their blessing. and i don't wanna hear that word solo. doesnt sound right.
ok then thats that.

i think its out in july and im pretty certain XL are going to put it out.

love thom

Bon, ok. Mettons.

Mais... Ça sort d'où ce texte? Y a pas de référence. Ça vient d'un site web, d'un communiqué, d'une séance de Ouija?....

Hors ligne heesha

  • Sklavax
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    • Messages: 322
 cf le site ateaseweb

ils disent que thom a envoyé ce texte ce matin là

c est tout!
 bonne continuation
>move along     ...

    ...    there's nothing left to see

Hors ligne Nicolaaas)*

  • Petit scarabé
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    • Messages: 59

Thom Yorke Solo Album Revealed!

Amy Phillips reports:
Last night, Thom Yorke sent out the following message to Radiohead's W.A.S.T.E. fan club:

this is just a note to say that something has been kicking around in the background that i have not told you about.
its called The Eraser.
nigel produced & arranged it .
i wrote and played it.
the elements have been kicking round now for a few years and needed to be finished & i have been itching to do something like this for ages.
it was fun and quick to do.
inevitably it is more beats & electronics.
but its songs.
stanley did the cover.
yes its a record!
no its not a radiohead record.
as you know the band are now touring and writing new stuff and getting to a good space so i want no crap about me being a traitor or whatever splitting up blah blah...
this was all done with their blessing. and i don't wanna hear that word solo. doesnt sound right.
ok then thats that.

i think its out in july and im pretty certain XL are going to put it out.
love thom

So there you have it: Thom Yorke's un-solo album, The Eraser, is due out July 11 on XL Recordings. (Pretty cool that Thom Yorke decided to put his album out on an indie label, huh?) It was produced by Radiohead bosom buddy Nigel Godrich, and features the following songs (yes, they're all supposed to be lower case):

01 the eraser
02 analyse
03 the clock
04 black swan
05 skip divided
06 atoms for peace
07 and it rained all night
08 harrowdown hill
09 cymbal rush

Various sources, including, report that the track "black swan" will play over the closing credits of Richard Linklater's new movie A Scanner Darkly. You know, the one with the animated images of Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder playing characters in a Philip K. Dick novel.

As you probably already know (because we keep breathlessly telling you), Radiohead are on tour right now. The band canceled a show at Amsterdam's Heineken Music Hall this past Wednesday, due to the death of drummer Phil Selway's mother. The concert has been rescheduled for August 28.

The press release for Yorke's album states, "At the end of the tour Radiohead will resume work on their new album, due for release next year." Nice.

Héhé!  :hehe:

Mais seulement 9 pistes  :(
des visages, des figures, dévisagent, défigurent...

Strangler en ballade

  • Invité
C'est une info officielle, Naf a p'tre reçu ça aussi.

Donc l'info est 100% sûre, officielle et tout le tralala ^^

Hors ligne sylvain2002

  • Bidule
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    • Messages: 2933
cymbal rush ??? mais il a pas le droit de jouer avec radiohead des morceaux qui sont pas de radiohead... ou faut payer des droits a la sacem UK ou un truc dans le genre

Hors ligne arsen

  • Bidule
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    • Messages: 1634
Citation de: "sylvain2002"
cymbal rush ??? mais il a pas le droit de jouer avec radiohead des morceaux qui sont pas de radiohead... ou faut payer des droits a la sacem UK ou un truc dans le genre

ben empeche le LOL !!!!
delire !!!
les rumeurs etaient donc vraies

Hors ligne arsen

  • Bidule
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    • Messages: 1634
Citation de: "sylvain2002"
c'était bien du second degré pense tu  ;)

je me doute  ;)

Hors ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
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    • Messages: 15680
Citation de: "Mingus"
Thom's album The Eraser out in July

this is just a note to say that something has been kicking around in the background that i have not told you about.
its called The Eraser.
nigel produced & arranged it .
i wrote and played it.
the elements have been kicking round now for a few years and needed to be finished & i have been itching to do something like this for ages.
it was fun and quick to do.
inevitably it is more beats & electronics.
but its songs.
stanley did the cover.
yes its a record!
no its not a radiohead record.
as you know the band are now touring and writing new stuff and getting to a good space so i want no crap about me being a traitor or whatever splitting up blah blah...
this was all done with their blessing. and i don't wanna hear that word solo. doesnt sound right.
ok then thats that.

i think its out in july and im pretty certain XL are going to put it out.

love thom

Bon, ok. Mettons.

Mais... Ça sort d'où ce texte? Y a pas de référence. Ça vient d'un site web, d'un communiqué, d'une séance de Ouija?....

de Waste

Hors ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 15680
Citation de: "Nicolaaas)*"

Thom Yorke Solo Album Revealed!

Amy Phillips reports:
Last night, Thom Yorke sent out the following message to Radiohead's W.A.S.T.E. fan club:

this is just a note to say that something has been kicking around in the background that i have not told you about.
its called The Eraser.
nigel produced & arranged it .
i wrote and played it.
the elements have been kicking round now for a few years and needed to be finished & i have been itching to do something like this for ages.
it was fun and quick to do.
inevitably it is more beats & electronics.
but its songs.
stanley did the cover.
yes its a record!
no its not a radiohead record.
as you know the band are now touring and writing new stuff and getting to a good space so i want no crap about me being a traitor or whatever splitting up blah blah...
this was all done with their blessing. and i don't wanna hear that word solo. doesnt sound right.
ok then thats that.

i think its out in july and im pretty certain XL are going to put it out.
love thom

So there you have it: Thom Yorke's un-solo album, The Eraser, is due out July 11 on XL Recordings. (Pretty cool that Thom Yorke decided to put his album out on an indie label, huh?) It was produced by Radiohead bosom buddy Nigel Godrich, and features the following songs (yes, they're all supposed to be lower case):

01 the eraser
02 analyse
03 the clock
04 black swan
05 skip divided
06 atoms for peace
07 and it rained all night
08 harrowdown hill
09 cymbal rush

Various sources, including, report that the track "black swan" will play over the closing credits of Richard Linklater's new movie A Scanner Darkly. You know, the one with the animated images of Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder playing characters in a Philip K. Dick novel.

As you probably already know (because we keep breathlessly telling you), Radiohead are on tour right now. The band canceled a show at Amsterdam's Heineken Music Hall this past Wednesday, due to the death of drummer Phil Selway's mother. The concert has been rescheduled for August 28.

The press release for Yorke's album states, "At the end of the tour Radiohead will resume work on their new album, due for release next year." Nice.

Héhé!  :hehe:

Mais seulement 9 pistes  :(

putain ils ont choppé le tracklisting ou?
ya rien sur at ease :snif:

enfin bon je le sens très bien cet album moi, je prédis quelque chose dans la veine de Kid A en plus barré.

Hors ligne Ectorleressor

  • Hippo nain
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    • Messages: 752
Oua a peine rentré chez moi je tombe sur cette info... :glob:
ça fait plaisir et pour le "kid A en plus barré" je suis client!!!!
Par contre je me demande si il y aura des collaboration avec d'autres artistes  
(genre dans la veine de rabbit in your headlight...bah quoi on peut toujours rêver)...
De la joie de la joie de vivre et du jambon!! C'est ça la clef du bonheur!!

Hors ligne phil

  • Bidule
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    • Messages: 1187
y a ti qulquu qui peu voir ces titres sur le fameux tableau noir de dead air space?
la vie est une impossibilité avec une infinité de chance d y parvenir

Hors ligne Bougaflex

  • Petit scarabé
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    • Messages: 64
Pas vraiment, sur le black board du deadairspace on pouvait voir :

01. No Shame
02. Videotape
03. Solutions
04. House of Cards
05. Bodysnatchers?
06. Morning M' Lord
07. Faust Arp
08. Suit Don't Fit
09. Nude
10. Arpeggi
11. Open Pick
12. A Pig's Ear
13. Trills
14. Reckoner
15. Skirting on the Surface
16. Fela Kuti
17. Can Stylee
18. Burn the Witch
19. Down is the new Up
20. Walking on Stage Now
21. Last Flowers
Legends Never Die

Hors ligne Bougaflex

  • Petit scarabé
  • *
    • Messages: 64
Citation de: "Ectorleressor"
Oua a peine rentré chez moi je tombe sur cette info... :glob:
ça fait plaisir et pour le "kid A en plus barré" je suis client!!!!
Par contre je me demande si il y aura des collaboration avec d'autres artistes  
(genre dans la veine de rabbit in your headlight...bah quoi on peut toujours rêver)...

d'ailleurs quand on parle de rabbit in you headlights, on parle de DJ-Shadow évidemment (présent à rock en seine par ailleurs), mais qui est Unkle ?
Legends Never Die

Hors ligne Le Cowboy

  • Sklavax
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    • Messages: 389
Unkle a été crée à la base par James Lavelle - créateur et patron du label anglais Mo'Wax - avec un principe : mélanger les sonorités abstract hip hop chères au label (qui a vu les sorties des premiers Dj Shadow justement) et y insuffler un peu de la pop ... cependant Lavelle étant un type apparrement plein d'enthousiasme et au carnet d'adresses bien rempli mais pas super-top doué artistiquement parlant ... Celui - ci fit appel à Shadow pour produire le 1er album d'Unkle "Psyence Fiction" , petite perle qui brasse hiphop rock psyché, avec en guests Thom Yorke-rabbit in yr ..., Badly Drawn Boy, Mike D des B.Boys , Richard Ashcroft .... bref un disk somptueux considéré à juste titre comme le 2ème album de Shadow , Lavelle étant quasiment inexistant niveau composition . Le disque n'a pas eu un impact commercial des + retentissants, en tout cas loin des ambitions de Lavelle mais artistiquement le disque aura marké son époque et il vieillit plutot très bien je trouve.

Ds la foulée , littéralement saoulé par Lavelle et son égo qd meme un rien exagéré, Shadow s'est cassé du projet ... bien lui en a pris.

Lavelle étant propriétaire du nom et du concept , il a continué en proposant quelques remix par ci par là , tous franchement dispensables, n'est pas DJ Shadow qui veut.

Il s'est meme permis de sortir un 2ème album d'Unkle : meme concept on invite plein de gens on fait monter le buzz mais oootch sté pas terrible... kkes invités triés sur le volet (3D de M.Attack , Josh Homme des Queens of the stone age ...) mais un disk très moyen , espece d'ersatz de new wave rock electro dark .... mouais...

au final Lavelle s'est cassé la gueule tout seul, il est qd meme pas mal grillé , se mettant à dos pas mal d'artistes et faisant littéralement couler son propre label Mo'Wax qui n'existe plus vraiment.


Le Cowboy.