Radiohead in Boston - Night 2 Live Report
Radiohead played their second gig at the Bank of America Pavilion in Boston Massachusetts. The band kicked off at 21:07 hrs (Eastern Daylight Time). They opened with 'Climbing Up The Walls' and debuted 'Like Spinning Plates and 'Knives Out'. Apologies for the missing songs on the initial Setlist. There were some technical difficulties with random texts not coming through. The band did infact play a full set. Once again BIG thanks to tenacious z and Arianna for the live updates.
Climbing Up The Walls02 Bangers 'n' Mash
03 15 Step [Thom started early]
04 Morning Bell
Kid A06 Fake Plastic Trees
Videotape08 Bodysnatchers
09 Where I End And You Begin
Knives Out11 There There
12 Nude
13 Just
14 Spooks
15 Idioteque
16 House of Cards
17 Planet Telex
Encore 1:
Like Spinning Plates
19 Arpeggi
20 No Surprises
21 Everything In Its Right Place
Encore 2:
The Tourist