Radiohead à Berkeley

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Hors ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
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Radiohead in Berkeley - Night 1 Live Report

Radiohead played at the Greek Theatre in Berkeley California tonight. This is the first of two sold out shows at the outdoor venue. Earlier in the afternoon, Radiohead sound checked 'House of Cards', '4 Minute Warning' and 'Arpeggi'. The band kicked off at 20:35 hrs (PDT) with 'You and Whose Army' and finished off their 23 song set with 'Everything In Its Right Place'. Thanks to polystyrened for the live updates from the venue.


01 You And Whose Army
02 The National Anthem
03 15 Step [Thom says "Ok California" with an accent]
04 Morning Bell
05 Exit Music
06 Arpeggi
07 Videotape
08 I Might Be Wrong
09 Street Spirit
10 Nude
11 Down Is The New Up
12 Pyramid Song
13 Like Spinning Plates
14 Bangers 'N Mash [Thom "This fog is strange"]
15 There There
16 Spooks
17 Idioteque

Encore 1
18 A Wolf At The Door
19 4 Minute Warning
20 Bones
21 Lucky

Encore 2
22 House of Cards
23 Everything In Its Right Place ["ANDEVERANDEVERANDEVER" scrolling on video screens above stage]

Please send your reviews, photos etc to with 'Berkeley 1' in the subject line.

Posted by adriaan at June 23, 2006 09:28 PM

Hors ligne I'mNotHere

  • Sklavax
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Pour ceux que ça intéresse, la vidéo de Berkeley sur Dime au format MPEG.
Attention, pas beaucoup de seeders pour l'instant...
Captures d'écran de la vidéo 1, 2 et 3.

Ok so here it is. This is straight and unprocessed from a Sony DSC-T30. This is a still camera used in video mode. Before you right off the video burn it to a DVD and watch it on a regular CRT type TV or lower the resolution of your computer monitor.

(Please do not ask me how to burn them to DVD)

I used a homemade monopod to hold the camera steady and the only interruption is during a memory stick switch during the break at the end of the regular set and before encore 1. Also I was limited to the cameras 3x optical zoom hence the lack of close-ups.

I think the video is decent enough to enjoy at it is the COMPLETE SHOW!!! I’m hoping someone does something good with this. The audio is not awesome but it’s not crap either.

Shot by Drock for Damage Inc Studios San Francisco.

After you watch it please let me know if you think I should keep shooting video this way.

Here are the info files MPEG Streamclip shows:

Stream: MOV00505.MPG
Type: MPEG program stream

Duration: 1:16:46
Data Size: 1.56 GB
Bit Rate: 2.91 Mbps

Video Tracks:
224 MPEG-1, 640 × 480, 25 fps, 104.86 Mbps

Audio Tracks:
192 MP2 mono, 32 kHz, 64 kbps
Stream: MOV00507.MPG
Type: MPEG program stream

Duration: 0:34:47
Data Size: 724.71 MB
Bit Rate: 2.91 Mbps

Video Tracks:
224 MPEG-1, 640 × 480, 25 fps, 104.86 Mbps

Audio Tracks:
192 MP2 mono, 32 kHz, 64 kbps
Have you lost your faith? Have you lost your way?
Have you lost everything you thought you held yesterday?

Hors ligne I'mNotHere

  • Sklavax
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    • Messages: 256
Le concert du 23 à Berkeley disponible en format FLAC sur Dime. :D

Greek Theater
Berkeley, CA, US

Source: Audience: CCM4->SX-M2->PCM-M1(44.1K), FOB, DFC
Mastering: Correction for record level changes, tiny bit of Q3 and L2


Disc 1: (The main set)

01 - You And Whose Army
02 - The National Anthem
03 - 15 Step
04 - Morning Bell
05 - Exit Music
06 - Arpeggi
07 - Videotape
08 - I Might Be Wrong
09 - Street Spirit
10 - Nude
11 - Down Is The New Up
12 - Pyramid Song
13 - Like Spinning Plates
14 - Bangers 'N Mash
15 - There There
16 - Spooks
17 - Idioteque

Disc 2: (The Encores)

01 - A Wolf At The Door
02 - 4 Minute Warning
03 - Bones
04 - Lucky
-- Second Encore --
05 - House of Cards
06 - Everything In Its Right Place

Credits: Recording, Mastering, Seeding (dime 2006-06-24): PersistentSound
Thanks to Drook for the setlist.
Have you lost your faith? Have you lost your way?
Have you lost everything you thought you held yesterday?

Hors ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
  • Floodeur pro
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    • Messages: 15680
Radiohead in Berkeley - Night 2 Live Report

Radiohead played their second show in Berkeley California tonight. The band kicked off their sold out gig at the Greek Theatre at 20:42 hrs (PDT) with 'Airbag'. New song, 'All I Need', returns to the setlist after its debut in Chicago. During the first encore, Thom plays 'True Love Waits' in full on keyboard :love:  before starting 'Everything In Its Right Place'. The 24 song set closed with 'Bodysnatchers' and 'The Tourist'. Thanks once again to polystyrened for the live updates from the venue.


01 Airbag
02 2+2=5
03 Where I End And You Begin
04 15 Step
05 Kid A :'(
06 Dollars And Cents :'(
07 Down Is The New Up [with long jam at the end] :miam:
08 Nude [Thom stops then starts at the beginning and says, "Don't go anywhere, stay where you are".]
09 Paranoid Android
10 No Surprises
11 The Gloaming
12 All I Need :love:
13 Climbing Up The Walls
14 Go Slowly ["Then we'll do 'Burn The Witch." jokes Thom] :huhu:
15 Myxomatosis
16 Bangers 'N Mash
17 How To Disappear Completely

Encore 1
18 Fake Plastic Trees
19 Arpeggi
20 Black Star
21 True Love Waits  :love:
22 Everything In Its Right Place

Encore 2
23 Bodysnatchers
24 The Tourist

Hors ligne Kzrystof

  • Sklavax
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Hors ligne nicolas

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Citation de: "Kzrystof"
La dernière setlist est superbe! :)

le 1er rappel  :love: : fake, arpeggi, black star, tlw ...

Hors ligne Guillome

  • The wonderful boy
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burn the with des queens of the stone age ?
the more you try to erase me the more that i appear

Hors ligne I'mNotHere

  • Sklavax
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    • Messages: 256
Merci, hunting! :D True Love Waits en intro de EIIRP :miam:.
Have you lost your faith? Have you lost your way?
Have you lost everything you thought you held yesterday?

Hors ligne KoyL

  • Bidule
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12 ans plus tard...

Radiohead - Come To Your Senses (2006 Soundcheck) :  :yeeh:

Full Berkeley (6/24/2006) soundcheck :

Edit : une version FLAC de Come To Your Senses  :

« Modifié: lun. 25 juin 2018, 23:13:50 par KoyL »
Pour une pelouse plus verte et un gazon vigoureux les meilleurs jardiniers recommandent d'utiliser

Hors ligne dawnchorus

  • Bidule
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punaise c'est fou, depuis le temps qu'on attendais une version complète