Radiohead in Berkeley - Night 2 Live Report
Radiohead played their second show in Berkeley California tonight. The band kicked off their sold out gig at the Greek Theatre at 20:42 hrs (PDT) with 'Airbag'. New song, 'All I Need', returns to the setlist after its debut in Chicago. During the first encore, Thom plays 'True Love Waits' in full on keyboard

before starting 'Everything In Its Right Place'. The 24 song set closed with 'Bodysnatchers' and 'The Tourist'. Thanks once again to polystyrened for the live updates from the venue.
01 Airbag
02 2+2=5
03 Where I End And You Begin
04 15 Step
05 Kid A
06 Dollars And Cents
07 Down Is The New Up [with long jam at the end]
08 Nude [Thom stops then starts at the beginning and says, "Don't go anywhere, stay where you are".]
09 Paranoid Android
10 No Surprises
11 The Gloaming
12 All I Need
13 Climbing Up The Walls
14 Go Slowly ["Then we'll do 'Burn The Witch." jokes Thom]
15 Myxomatosis
16 Bangers 'N Mash
17 How To Disappear Completely
Encore 1
18 Fake Plastic Trees
19 Arpeggi
20 Black Star
21 True Love Waits
22 Everything In Its Right Place
Encore 2
23 Bodysnatchers
24 The Tourist