Radiohead à San Diego

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Update: This afternoon our tour reporter, polystyrened, heard Radiohead soundcheck, 'Arpeggi', 'All I Need', '4 Minute Warning', and 'How To Disappear Completely'. Stay tuned for more updates.

Posted by adriaan at June 26, 2006 11:01 PM

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    • Messages: 15680
01 There There
02 2+2=5
03 15 Step
04 Morning Bell
05 Kid A
06 Arpeggi
07 Videotape
08 The National Anthem
09 Nude
10 Down Is The New Up
11 Paranoid Android
12 All I Need
13 The Gloaming
14 You And Whose Army
15 Idioteque
16 Bangers 'N' Mash
17 How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found

Encore 1

18 House of Cards
19 Street Spirit
20 Just

Encore 2

21 4 Minute Warning
22 Lucky

Hors ligne jcradiohead

  • Sklavax
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Le concert du 26 dispo sur DIME
L'insensé qui a conscience qu'il est fou est en vérité sage, mais l'insensé qui se pense sage est véritablement fou.

Hors ligne hunting android

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Radiohead in San Diego - Night 2 Live Report

Just before tonight's show, more pictures from San Diego were added to Dead Air Space.

Radiohead played their second sold out show at Bayside in San Diego tonight. Their final stop on the North American leg will be Los Angeles, California. Earlier this afternoon they sound checked several songs: 'Wicked Child'(Jonny on banjo), 'A Wolf At The Door', 'I Might Be Wrong', 'Pyramid Song', 'Videotape', 'Myxomatosis', 'Exit Music', a new song on Rhodes keyboard (slow tempo), and 'Airbag'. The band kicked off at 20:12 (PDT) with 'Airbag'. Usual closer, 'Everything In Its Right Place' ended the 24 song set. Thanks to trask for the live updates from the venue.


01 Airbag
02 The National Anthem
03 Where I End And You Begin
04 15 Step
05 Exit Music (For A Film)
06 Bodysnatchers
07 My Iron Lung
08 Go Slowly [Thom "Do you use 'You Tube'"]
09 Videotape
10 I Might Be Wrong
11 Climbing Up The Walls
12 All I Need
13 Pyramid Song :'(
14 Spooks
15 Idioteque [Thom dancing on monitor]
16 Myxomatosis
17 Bangers 'n Mash
18 Bones

Encore 1
19 Like Spinning Plates :'(
20 A Wolf At The Door
21 Down Is The New Up
22 Fake Plastic Trees

Encore 2
23 Nude
24 Everything In Its Right Place

Hors ligne Simleouf

  • Sklavax
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Hors ligne Imbéciloteque

  • Bidule
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Personne n'a d'autres  informations sur le nouveaux morceaux  :'(
not livin just killin  time
tema mon skyblog

Hors ligne I'mNotHere

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*Concert du 27 dispo sur Dime.

*Une 2ème source pour ce concert.
Have you lost your faith? Have you lost your way?
Have you lost everything you thought you held yesterday?

Hors ligne Imbéciloteque

  • Bidule
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Rocket and UFO sighting during San Diego concert :

Wow, this is truly a bizarre find... We were just sent a link to a story about a rocket launch that took place during last night's Radiohead show in San Diego. Apparently a photographer who was shooting the concert also spotted a UFO, which he took a photo of. Perhaps the UFO was hoping that Radiohead would play "Subterranean Homesick Alien"? :

I am the House Photographer for Viejas Entertainment. Viejas Entertainment was putting on the big sold out Radiohead concert (6/27/06) when just at dusk the rocket launch from Vandenberg (Air Force Base) occurred. All eyes went off the stage and to the sky. While I was watching the rocket I saw a shiny object moving above and apparently way beyond the roof top of the stage. It was not a camera glitch or dirt on the sensor (just had the sensor cleaned a week ago) and you can see that the object was moving and not on the same spot on the photo as the previous shot.

It was not a bird's hard to tell distances but it seemed to be further and higher then a bird would have been visible. And as I watched it moved not like a bird. Kind of sauntering or floating. Then in an disappeared! I even have shots of the same scene seconds later and....rocket trail still there but no UFO.

On the close ups it's clear to see that a flying saucer was watching the launch ;-) And I will say this....that rocket had a top secret payload and spy satellite on it and was the largest rocket ever launched on the West Coast ;-) They're watching us :-)) Below are 6 photos, including the close ups. Oh I've sent along a few shots from the Radiohead concert as well. After watching these guys I can understand why a UFO might be hanging around !! Radiohead is like from another planet !!!

not livin just killin  time
tema mon skyblog

Hors ligne I'mNotHere

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Pour ceux que ça intéresse, d'autres sources disponibles pour les concerts
du 26 et 27 juin.
Have you lost your faith? Have you lost your way?
Have you lost everything you thought you held yesterday?

Hors ligne I'mNotHere

  • Sklavax
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Matrix de 3 sources pour le concert du 27 sur Purelivegigs!!! :huhu:

Source 1:

Taper: Zepdog5

Source: Core-Sound Binaural mics w/bass roll-off filter >
Sony MZ-NHF800 (Mic plug-in) > Sony 1GB Hi-MD disc.

Transfer: Sony MZ-NHF800 > 2.0USB cable > Sonic Stage v3.0 >
download/convert to wav file on hard drive > cdwave audio editor v1.93.3
(cut into tracks, remove gaps, extra noise) > Wavepad V3.05 (add fade outs) >
Flac frontend 1.7.1, level 7, verify, asb.


Source 2:

Taper: B.A. Baracus
Source: AT831 > NJ3

The first song of the night (Airbag) fades in about 10 seconds after it started
because the taper got there late. It's hard to run with 30 pounds of gold around
your neck foo!


Source 3:

sonic studios dsm-6s>pa-6>njb3
recorded/transfered by spoogles


Mixed in Cakewalk Sonar 5 Producer > Reason 3.0 Mastering Suite > Flac > YOU!
by danthefly


Notes: Airbag is a little funky, because the Baracus source doesnt fade in until
about a minute into the song, by the time we get to National Anthem the sound is
good and stays good.

EDIT: Allez, je résiste pas à l'envie de vous faire écouter ça:
All I Need en MP3, 320 Kbps.
Whaou, cette fin! :love:
Have you lost your faith? Have you lost your way?
Have you lost everything you thought you held yesterday?

Hors ligne westa

  • Sklavax
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urg les gens,
bah wai les bootlegs sont sympas, bonne qualité tout ca mais sur lders.ln, chaque concert fait 150Mo environ. A cette allure-la, la tournée 2006 de radiohead va représenté les 2/3 de ma discothèque...
j'ai donc commencé à chercher un logiciel pour compresser un peu tout ca mais la qualité est merdique (j'aimerais tout passer a 90kbps pour avoir des concerts de 80Mo environ). Et pi ya ces foutus tags qui se PAS mettent à jour ...
Comment fairtes vous, vous, de votre coté ??
Pour info, le logiciel que j'ai utilisé est DBPower AMP, et j'en suis pas satisfait...
merci pour vos réponses

Hors ligne nicolas

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faut etre selectif. je telecharge pratiquement chaque concert qui me tombe sous la souris, mais je n'hesite pas à jeter si la qualité n'est pas au top. ce qui fait que je ne garde qu'1 audience-recording sur 5 environ.

et compresser en 90 kbps, c'est le mal :o

Hors ligne Simleouf

  • Sklavax
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    • Messages: 435
moi je télécharge les lossless formats que je transforme en wav et je convertis avec cdex en mp3 256kbps pour pouvoir les écouter sur mon lecteur cd, voila.

Hors ligne Jeman

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Citation de: "Simleouf"
moi je télécharge les lossless formats que je transforme en wav et je convertis avec cdex en mp3 256kbps pour pouvoir les écouter sur mon lecteur cd, voila.
