Greek Theatre, Los Angeles

The Lukewarm (again) · 28 · 13213

0 Membres et 8 Invités sur ce sujet

Hors ligne Hebus

  • est un petit
  • Hippo nain
  • ***
    • Messages: 969
Ok ça va je m'en vais  :snif: :aie:  :aie:  :aie:

 :jesors: (mais j'aime quand même pas trop cette chanson...)
Parmis tous les peuples de la Gaule, les belges sont les plus graves.

Hors ligne Kid d'Armor

  • Petit scarabé
  • *
    • Messages: 10
Fittier Happier est culticissime pour moi. Dans Meeting People is easy, elle semble donner la définition de ce qu'est Radiohead. Et oui, rien que ça !
Everything In Its Right Place

Hors ligne Kid d'Armor

  • Petit scarabé
  • *
    • Messages: 10
Follow Me Around est effectivement bcp mieux ainsi... car avant j'avoue que ce n'était pas un bonheur de l'écouter
Everything In Its Right Place

Hors ligne nicolas

  • Administrateur
  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 7761
Citation de: "arsen"
Citation de: "The Eurasian"
Citation de: "nicolas"
Citation de: "hunting android"
allez ce soir un petit burn the witch pour nous faire patienter jusqu'en aout!!! :huhu:
La set list déchire sinon.
Ya juste house of cards en trop :o (c'est ma nouvelle sail to the moon ou scatterbrain^^)

mais kekidit lui ? :fou:
house of cards vaut 2 ou 3 sail to the moon, et bien une dizaine de scatterbrain pour moi !

mais je la mets plutot dans la case ballade envoutante genre punch up at the wedding. j'ai pas mal d'emotions qui passent qd je l'ecoute en fait. contrairement aux 2 autres que tu cites.
suis sûr que tu vas changer d'avis tot ou tard  :lumena:
+1 pour Hunting. En l'etat actuel, ce morceau est trop long et monotone. Mais on changera d'avis, c'est sur...

+1 pour Nicolas... (sympa ce petit jeu...)
moi je la trouve bien au dessus de scatterbrain !
beaucoup d'emotion dans le 'tonight' alors que scatterbrain
la seule emotion que je lui trouve c'est celle de mon empressement
a appuyer sur la touche next de mon letceur cd !

"deniaaaal "

Hors ligne jcradiohead

  • Sklavax
  • **
    • Messages: 166
Ca me fait penser que cette année deux des dernières Unreleased comme "True Love Waits" ou "Follow Me Around" sont joué aux Rhodes de façon introductive à Eiirp.
L'insensé qui a conscience qu'il est fou est en vérité sage, mais l'insensé qui se pense sage est véritablement fou.

Hors ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 15680
Radiohead live in Los Angeles - Night 2 Live Report

Radiohead played the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, California tonight, where numerous celebrities including producer, Nigel Goderich were spotted in the audience. This is the final show of the North American tour. After tonight, the band will take a break from touring until the 12th of August, when they resume the European leg at the Sziget Festival in Budapest, Hungary.

Earlier this afternoon, the band sound checked: 'Pyramid Song', 'Spooks', 'My Iron Lung', 'Bodysnatchers', 'I Might Be Wrong', 'Myxomatosis', 'Exit Music', 'Airbag' and a new song. The band kicked off at 21:14 hrs (PDT) with 'Airbag'. The twenty five song setlist included a three song second encore beginning with 'House of Cards', 'True Love Waits' and the usual closer 'Everything In Its Right Place'. Thanks to Chad9e & polystyrened for the live updates from the venue.


01 Airbag
02 The National Anthem
03 There There
04 15 Step
05 Exit Music [Thom slips in a "Shut up" to the hecklers]
06 Bodysnatchers
07 My Iron Lung
08 Nude [Thom, "You have mutant bugs over here."]
09 Videotape
10 I Might Be Wrong
11 Climbing Up The Walls
12 All I Need
13 Pyramid Song
14 Spooks
15 Idioteque
16 Myxomatosis
17 Bangers 'n Mash
18 Bones

Encore 1
19 Like Spinning Plates
20 Fake Plastic Trees [Fan screams, Thom, "Why it is our pleasure."]
21 Down Is The New Up
22 Paranoid Android

Encore 2
23 House of Cards
24 True Love Waits
25 Everything In Its Right Place

Hors ligne I'mNotHere

  • Sklavax
  • **
    • Messages: 256
La review du latimes:


Tour winds down, and Radiohead loosens up[/size]
*The British rock band ends its North American jaunt at the Greek, and it plays with noticeable passion.
By Richard Cromelin, Times Staff Writer

Radiohead's mobile music laboratory rolled into Los Angeles for its final experiments Thursday, nearly a month after it kicked off its North American schedule in Philadelphia. Its two tour-closing nights at the Greek Theatre concluded the iconoclastic art-rockers mission of road-testing new songs intended for an upcoming album.

In doing so, the band is disregarding the conventional wisdom that audiences have no patience for unfamiliar material. But then conventional wisdom doesn't apply so much to Radiohead, which has released enough uncommercial music to ensure that its audience is purged of casual fans, leaving those who relish being challenged by the band.

Pretty much, anyway. There might have been a few murmurs of discontent Thursday, at one point prompting singer Thom Yorke to explain that if they weren't doing new songs, they'd still be at home. Overall, though, the sold-out crowd was appropriately attentive and involved, perhaps realizing that this was an opportunity to be savored, and one that could never be duplicated.

Radiohead dropped eight new tunes into its 23-song set, and if a few weeks on the road have worked any change, it was primarily a looseness in music and manner. The exotic "15 Step" seemed more naturally sinuous, and "Nude" and "Down Is the New Up" elicited a light, swinging touch from the band (light and swinging for Oxford art-rockers, anyway). The newest entry was the ballad "All I Need," which made its debut at a Chicago concert last week.

Yorke was also more outgoing than he was at the tour opener, bantering a bit with the crowd and sometimes playfully moving to the front of the stage and casting an enigmatic gaze into their faces. The laughs and smiles among the five musicians reflected the predominantly lighter tone of the new material.

Not that they've relinquished their jurisdiction over the more troublesome side of human nature. Doubts and darkness lurk even in the more serene new songs, and when they fired up the old favorites from albums "OK Computer," "Kid A," et al., they played them with undiminished passion and conviction.
Have you lost your faith? Have you lost your way?
Have you lost everything you thought you held yesterday?

Hors ligne Your Iron Lung

  • Sklavax
  • **
    • Messages: 260
Ils sont mortels les enchainements True love waits ou FMA /EIIRP
 :love:  :love:
tin le frisson avec le Rhodes...
Sinon +2 pour nicolas  :huhu:
"Madonna a beaucoup de danseurs, nous n'avons que Colin..."Jonny

Hors ligne PadKidA

  • Hippo nain
  • ***
    • Messages: 662

Hors ligne Simleouf

  • Sklavax
  • **
    • Messages: 435

Hors ligne arsen

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 1634
Citation de: "nicolas"

"deniaaaal "

merci ! je crois que je devrais baisser le volume
de mon ampli pour les prochaines repets !!!!

Hors ligne jcradiohead

  • Sklavax
  • **
    • Messages: 166
Concert du 29 dispo sur Dime
L'insensé qui a conscience qu'il est fou est en vérité sage, mais l'insensé qui se pense sage est véritablement fou.