Mr Blips a reçu ça sur Youtube

hi there - this is Nigel Godrich calling.. I have an unusual request.
You know the two videos from our 'from the basement' series that you've posted on youtube.. Well... obviously I was wondering if you wouldn't doing me a big personal favour and taking them down - at least until the show is officially released.
The thing is - they weren't meant to be made available until the 18th of this month and due to itunes store being a bunch of fuckwits they are now out and getting passed around which could really jeapordise the success of the launch of the show. We aren't a big corporation or a big media company - we are just four people who've put their own money and lots of time and effort into something that we hope will help raise the standards of music on tv.. I totally expected it to end up on youtube eventually, but it being up there before the thing is even released is frankly a disaster for us. We want to do more shows! and we can't if we don't make our money back which we've put into this one. (and the next which we've already filmed)
Anyway - I hope you understand and don't mind taking it down.
Many thanks in advance,
p.s. you can email me back at censure or PM on atease. I go by censure.