video 'analyse' (thom yorke, the eraser)

basverhage · 20 · 10209

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Hors ligne basverhage

  • Petit scarabé
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D'abord de toutes mes excuses pour mon mauvais Français (il a été plus de 10 ans que j'ai eu les classes Françaises.)
Je veux partager avec vous cette vidéo que j'ai faite de 'analyse' (the eraser).
J'espère que vous l'aimez..., Bas

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Download video (640x480, 394 Mb):

Hors ligne Raphael

  • Bidule
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c'est la classe ! bravo !

mais présentes toi un peu l'ami  :shy:

Hors ligne basverhage

  • Petit scarabé
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euh... tu veux dire que c'est toi qui as fait ça ?

(I need to switch to English now because it is really late and I am tired, so my French is now really really bad)

I made this video using a 3d model/animation program, together with After Effects. Everything you see was made by me (the 3d models etc), except of course for the beautiful 19th century woodcuts (I got those from a collection of old news paper prints).
I also old videos from early 20th century, from which I sampled bits (for instance the airplane and train).
Did you all have a look at the high-res version? It is so much more better (smoother) and more detailed. If you liked the youtube version you will definately like the hi-res version.
Thanks for your kind response!

Hors ligne nicolas

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euh... tu veux dire que c'est toi qui as fait ça ?
t'es perspicace  :naf:

bon allez je download directement la version 394 Mo. les 15 premieres sec sur youtube m'ont l'air tres prometteuse ...

Hors ligne bluebird

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oui mais bon sur ton forum on est plus habitué à voir des étrangers qui post des liens sur des videos genre big boobs plutôt que big boots  :hehe:

bonne surprise donc là  :)

Hors ligne nicolas

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mauvaise langue :o

(I need to switch to English now because it is really late and I am tired, so my French is now really really bad)

I made this video using a 3d model/animation program, together with After Effects. Everything you see was made by me (the 3d models etc), except of course for the beautiful 19th century woodcuts (I got those from a collection of old news paper prints).
I also old videos from early 20th century, from which I sampled bits (for instance the airplane and train).
Did you all have a look at the high-res version? It is so much more better (smoother) and more detailed. If you liked the youtube version you will definately like the hi-res version.
Thanks for your kind response!
nice work !!

thanks for sharing this.

is it your first music video ?

Hors ligne Imbéciloteque

  • Bidule
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oui mais bon sur ton forum on est plus habitué à voir des étrangers qui post des liens sur des videos genre big boobs plutôt que big boots  :hehe:

bonne surprise donc là  :)

not livin just killin  time
tema mon skyblog

Hors ligne arsen

  • Bidule
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Glad to see that you posted you video also in this forum.
I have really enjoyed it since you posted it at at ease.
Sorry by the way if never answered to you PM.
I will try to do it later today.

But again, this is a piece of art ! I 'm quite sure that you
will find a job in the filming/video world with such skils !
congrats !

Hors ligne jane eyre

  • Bidule
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trés beau clip! Félicitations! :bravo:
"You deserve something more beautiful.That, at least, I'm sure of."

Hors ligne Imbéciloteque

  • Bidule
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    • Messages: 1341
dear clip I appreciate  :bravo:
even if you was a black queen
not livin just killin  time
tema mon skyblog