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Faust Arp pas dispo je suppose ?
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Faust ARPWakey wakeyRise and shineIt's on again off again on againWatch me fall like dominoesin pretty patterns
15 stepPremière performance live : 6 mai 2006. Copenhague, Danemark.how come i end up where i startedhow come i end up where i belongwon't take my eyes off the ball againyou reel me out then you cut the stringhow come i end up where i startedhow come i end up where I belongwon't take my eyes off the ball againfirst you reel me out and then you cut the stringyou used to be alrightwhat happened?did the cat get your tonguedid your string come undoneone by oneone by one yeahit comes to us allit's as soft as your pillowyou used to be alrightwhat happened?etcetera etceterathanks for whateverfifteen stepsthen a shear drophow come i end up where i startedhow come i end up where I belongwon't take my eyes off the ball againyou reel me out then you cut the stringbodysnatchersPremière performance live : 6 mai 2006. Copenhague, Danemark.i do notunderstandwhat it isi've done wrongall full of holescheck the pulseblink your eyesone for yestwo for noi have no idea what i am talking abouti'm trapped in this body and can't get outmake a soundmove back homea pale imitationwith the edgessawn offi have no idea what you are talking aboutyou know i'll be loose out there with sawed off limbsi'll be outhas the light gone out for you?because the light's gone for meit is the 21st centuryit is the 21st centuryyou can fight it like a dogand they brought me to my kneesthey got a skin and they put me inthey got a skin and they put me inall the lines run around my faceall the lines run around my faceand for anyone else to seeand for anyone else to seeI'm alivei've seen it comingi've seen it comingi've seen it comingnudePremière performance live : Tournée Ok Computerdon't get anybig ideasthey're not gonna happenyou'll paint yourself whiteand feel up with noisebut there'll be something missingnow that you've found it, it's gonenow that you feel it, you don'tyou've gone off the railsso don't get any big ideasthey're not going to happenyou'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinkingweird fishes / arpeggiPremière performance live : le 27 Mars 2005 à Londres avec la participation du Nazareth Orchestra.in the deepest oceanthe bottom of the seayour eyesthey turn mewhy should i stay here?why should i stay?i'd be crazy not to followfollow where you leadyour eyesthey turn meturn me on to phantomsi follow to the edge of the earthand fall offyeah everybody leavesif they get the chanceand this is my chancei get eaten by the wormsand weird fishespicked over by the wormsand weird fishesweird fishesweird fishesyeah ii hit the bottomhit the bottom and escapeescapeii hit the bottomhit the bottom and escapeescapeall i needPremière performance live : Chicago 2006.i'm the next actwaiting in the wingsi'm an animaltrapped in your parked cari am holidaysthat you choose to ignoreyou are all i needyou're all i needi'm in the middle of your picturelying in the leavesi am a mothwho just wants to share your lighti'm just an insecttrying to get out of the nighti only stick with youbecause there are no othersyou are all i needyou're all I needi'm in the middle of your picturelying in the leavesit's all wrongit's all wrongit's all wrongit's all wrongit's all wrongit's all wrongit's all wrongit's all rightit's all wrongit's all rightfaust arpone two three fourwakey wakeyrise and shineit's on again, off again, on againwatch me falllike dominosin pretty patternsfingers in the blackbird piei'm tingling tingling tinglingit's what you feel nowwhat you ought to, what you ought toreasonable and sensibledead from the neck upbecause im stuffed, stuffed, stuffedwe thought you had it in youbut no, no, nofor no real reasonsqueeze the tubes and empty bottles nowtake a bow take a bow take a bowit's what you feel nowwhat you ought towhat you ought toan elephant thats in the room istumbling tumbling tumblingin duplicate and triplicateplastic bags andduplicate and triplicatedead from the neck upi guess im stuffed, stuffed, stuffedwe thought you had it in youbut no, no, noexactly where do you get offis enough, is enoughi love you but enough is enough, enougha last stopthere's no real reasonyou've a head full of feathersyou melted to butterreckonerPremière performance live : le 23 juin 2001reckoneryou can't take it with youthis is for the pleasureyou are not to blame forbittersweet distractordidn't speak his namededicate it to all of youall of youand mean itbecause we separateour ripples on a black shorecan we separateour ripples on a black shoreoh reckonertake me with youdedicate it to all of youall of youand mean ithouse of cardsPremière performance live : le 15 avril 2005i don't want to be your friendi just want to be your loverno matter how it endsno matter how it startsforget about your house of cardsand i'll deal mineforget about your house of cardsand i'll deal minefall off the table,get swept underdenial, denialthe infrastructure will collapseon vaulted spikesthrow your keys in the bowlkiss your husband goodnightand forget about your house of cardsand I'll do mineforget about your house of cardsand I'll deal minefall off the table,and get swept underdenial, denialdenial, denialyour ears should be burningdenial, denialyour ears should be burningjigsaw falling into placePremière performance live : 6 mai 2006, Copenhague, Danemark.just as you take my handjust as you write my number downjust as the drinks arrivejust as they play your favourite songas your bad mood disappearsno longer wound up like a springbefore you've had too muchcome back and focus againthe walls abandon shapethey've got a cheshire cat grinall blurring into onethis place is on a missionbefore the night owlbefore the animal noisesclosed circuit camerasbefore you're comatosebefore you run away from mebefore you're lost between the notesthe beat goes round and roundthe beat goes round and roundi never really got therei just pretended that i amwas a born instrumentwords like a sawed off shotguncome on and let it outcome on and let it outcome on and let it outcome on and let it outbefore you run away from mebefore you're lost between the notesbefore you take my micjust as you dance, dance, dancejigsaws falling into placethere is nothing to explainregard each other as you passshe looks back, you look backnot just oncenot just twicewish away the nightmarewish away the nightmareyou've got a light you can feel it on your backa light and you can feel it on your backjigsaws falling into placevideotapePremière performance live : 18 mai 2006, Londreswhen I'm at the pearly gatesthis will be on my videotape, my videotapemephistopheles is just beneathand he's reaching up to grab methis is one for the good daysand i have it all herein red, blue, greenin red, blue, greenyou are my centerwhen i spin awayout of control on videotapeon videotapeon videotapeon videotapeon videotapeon videotapethis is my way of saying goodbye'cause i can't do it face to faceor talking to you beforeno matter what happens nowyou shouldn't be afraidbecause i know today has been the most perfect day i've ever seen.