Paroles In Rainbows + CD2

Hebus · 46 · 19607

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Hors ligne Hebus

  • est un petit
  • Hippo nain
  • ***
    • Messages: 969
Je me doutes bien qu'il est un peu tot pour demander les paroles mais dès que quelqu'un a quelque chose, ca m'intéresse !
« Modifié: mar. 4 décembre 2007, 20:21:08 par nicolas »
Parmis tous les peuples de la Gaule, les belges sont les plus graves.

Hors ligne Ninouille

  • Petit scarabé
  • *
    • Messages: 38
Justement, par rapport aux paroles du site, j'ai remarqué une différence sur les lignes 3 et 4 de All I need, mais j'arrive pas à comprendre ce que dit Thom :spamafote:

Hors ligne FadeOut

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 1539
Faust Arp pas dispo je suppose ?
Je vais faire un petit tour sur atease, les fan harcore englisheuh ont peut être trancrit tout ça.

Hors ligne Hebus

  • est un petit
  • Hippo nain
  • ***
    • Messages: 969

tout en bas.
de rien.

Wah merci beaucoup :bravo:

Bon, ok je suis plus souvent sur le forum que sur le site, j'avoue  :hehe:
Parmis tous les peuples de la Gaule, les belges sont les plus graves.

Hors ligne FadeOut

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 1539
Faust ARP

Wakey wakey
Rise and shine
It's on again off again on again
Watch me fall like dominoes
in pretty patterns

Hors ligne nicolas

  • Administrateur
  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 7761
Faust ARP

Wakey wakey
Rise and shine
It's on again off again on again
Watch me fall like dominoes
in pretty patterns
merci [H]ylia  :flower:

Hors ligne Bébéééééé

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 1920
Faust ARP

Wakey wakey
Rise and shine

It's on again off again on again
Watch me fall like dominoes
in pretty patterns

Tiens d'ailleurs, un ami m'a fait remarquer ça :

Regardez au 22 février

Hors ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 15680

You can’t take it with you

Dancing for your pleasure
You are not to blame for

Bittersweet distractors
Dare not speak its name

Dedicated to all you
All your needs?

Because we separate
Like ripples on a black shore

Because we separate
Like ripples on a black shore

Ooooh, reckoner
Take me with you

Dedicated to all you
All your needs?

Hors ligne nicolas

  • Administrateur
  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 7761
les paroles mises à jour sur le site.
il reste sûrement quelques fautes. notamment Faust arp et Reckoner ...

15 step

Première performance live : 6 mai 2006. Copenhague, Danemark.

how come i end up where i started
how come i end up where i belong
won't take my eyes off the ball again
you reel me out then you cut the string

how come i end up where i started
how come i end up where I belong
won't take my eyes off the ball again
first you reel me out and then you cut the string

you used to be alright
what happened?
did the cat get your tongue
did your string come undone
one by one
one by one yeah
it comes to us all
it's as soft as your pillow

you used to be alright
what happened?
etcetera etcetera
thanks for whatever
fifteen steps
then a shear drop

how come i end up where i started
how come i end up where I belong
won't take my eyes off the ball again
you reel me out then you cut the string


Première performance live : 6 mai 2006. Copenhague, Danemark.

i do not
what it is
i've done wrong
all full of holes
check the pulse
blink your eyes
one for yes
two for no

i have no idea what i am talking about
i'm trapped in this body and can't get out

make a sound
move back home
a pale imitation
with the edges
sawn off

i have no idea what you are talking about
you know i'll be loose out there with sawed off limbs
i'll be out

has the light gone out for you?
because the light's gone for me
it is the 21st century
it is the 21st century
you can fight it like a dog
and they brought me to my knees
they got a skin and they put me in
they got a skin and they put me in
all the lines run around my face
all the lines run around my face
and for anyone else to see
and for anyone else to see

I'm alive

i've seen it coming
i've seen it coming
i've seen it coming


Première performance live : Tournée Ok Computer

don't get any
big ideas
they're not gonna happen

you'll paint yourself white
and feel up with noise
but there'll be something missing

now that you've found it, it's gone
now that you feel it, you don't
you've gone off the rails

so don't get any big ideas
they're not going to happen
you'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking

weird fishes / arpeggi

Première performance live : le 27 Mars 2005 à Londres avec la participation du Nazareth Orchestra.

in the deepest ocean
the bottom of the sea
your eyes
they turn me
why should i stay here?
why should i stay?

i'd be crazy not to follow
follow where you lead
your eyes
they turn me

turn me on to phantoms
i follow to the edge of the earth
and fall off
yeah everybody leaves
if they get the chance
and this is my chance

i get eaten by the worms
and weird fishes
picked over by the worms
and weird fishes
weird fishes
weird fishes

yeah i
i hit the bottom
hit the bottom and escape

i hit the bottom
hit the bottom and escape

all i need

Première performance live : Chicago 2006.

i'm the next act
waiting in the wings
i'm an animal
trapped in your parked car
i am holidays
that you choose to ignore

you are all i need
you're all i need
i'm in the middle of your picture
lying in the leaves

i am a moth
who just wants to share your light
i'm just an insect
trying to get out of the night
i only stick with you
because there are no others

you are all i need
you're all I need
i'm in the middle of your picture
lying in the leaves

it's all wrong
it's all wrong
it's all wrong
it's all wrong
it's all wrong
it's all wrong
it's all wrong
it's all right
it's all wrong
it's all right

faust arp

one two three four

wakey wakey
rise and shine
it's on again, off again, on again
watch me fall
like dominos
in pretty patterns
fingers in the blackbird pie
i'm tingling tingling tingling
it's what you feel now
what you ought to, what you ought to
reasonable and sensible
dead from the neck up

because im stuffed, stuffed, stuffed
we thought you had it in you
but no, no, no
for no real reason

squeeze the tubes and empty bottles now
take a bow take a bow take a bow
it's what you feel now
what you ought to
what you ought to
an elephant thats in the room is
tumbling tumbling tumbling
in duplicate and triplicate
plastic bags and
duplicate and triplicate
dead from the neck up

i guess im stuffed, stuffed, stuffed
we thought you had it in you
but no, no, no
exactly where do you get off
is enough, is enough
i love you but enough is enough, enough
a last stop
there's no real reason

you've a head full of feathers
you melted to butter


Première performance live : le 23 juin 2001

you can't take it with you
this is for the pleasure

you are not to blame for
bittersweet distractor
didn't speak his name
dedicate it to all of you
all of you
and mean it

because we separate
our ripples on a black shore
can we separate
our ripples on a black shore

oh reckoner
take me with you
dedicate it to all of you
all of you
and mean it

house of cards

Première performance live : le 15 avril 2005

i don't want to be your friend
i just want to be your lover
no matter how it ends
no matter how it starts

forget about your house of cards
and i'll deal mine
forget about your house of cards
and i'll deal mine

fall off the table,
get swept under
denial, denial

the infrastructure will collapse
on vaulted spikes
throw your keys in the bowl
kiss your husband goodnight

and forget about your house of cards
and I'll do mine
forget about your house of cards
and I'll deal mine

fall off the table,
and get swept under

denial, denial
denial, denial
your ears should be burning
denial, denial
your ears should be burning

jigsaw falling into place

Première performance live : 6 mai 2006, Copenhague, Danemark.

just as you take my hand
just as you write my number down
just as the drinks arrive
just as they play your favourite song
as your bad mood disappears
no longer wound up like a spring
before you've had too much
come back and focus again

the walls abandon shape
they've got a cheshire cat grin
all blurring into one
this place is on a mission
before the night owl
before the animal noises
closed circuit cameras
before you're comatose

before you run away from me
before you're lost between the notes
the beat goes round and round
the beat goes round and round
i never really got there
i just pretended that i am
was a born instrument
words like a sawed off shotgun

come on and let it out
come on and let it out
come on and let it out
come on and let it out

before you run away from me
before you're lost between the notes
before you take my mic
just as you dance, dance, dance

jigsaws falling into place
there is nothing to explain
regard each other as you pass
she looks back, you look back
not just once
not just twice
wish away the nightmare
wish away the nightmare
you've got a light you can feel it on your back
a light and you can feel it on your back
jigsaws falling into place


Première performance live : 18 mai 2006, Londres

when I'm at the pearly gates
this will be on my videotape, my videotape
mephistopheles is just beneath
and he's reaching up to grab me

this is one for the good days
and i have it all here
in red, blue, green
in red, blue, green

you are my center
when i spin away
out of control on videotape
on videotape
on videotape
on videotape
on videotape
on videotape

this is my way of saying goodbye
'cause i can't do it face to face
or talking to you before
no matter what happens now
you shouldn't be afraid
because i know today has been the most perfect day i've ever seen.

Hors ligne kid armor

  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 7618
beau boulot... et maintenant les traductions s'il vous plaît !!!
everything in its right place !?!

Hors ligne Raphael

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 2862
merci pour les paroles !  :bravo:
je commence à chanter les chansons  :aie:

Hors ligne Jeman

  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 7764

Hors ligne Guillome

  • The wonderful boy
  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 1034
toujours pas d'accord avec le traitement de reckoner
pour moi la premiere prestation de cette chanson c'est le 10/10/07
the more you try to erase me the more that i appear