je viens de la recevoir !!!!! elle est magnifique

petite description : les vinyles sont enchassés dans les deux volets de la structure (c'est pour ça qu'on ne les voyait pas sur les photos de machin) (d'ailleurs petit bémol, je n'arrive pas à remettre celui que j'ai sorti parce que c'est trop étroit

), il y a un livret format allongé encastré, plus un gros livret (format vinyl quoi) avec les artworks, dont certains qui n'avaint pas été scannés...
çé bôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôô..........

bon, vous préférez du wav ou de l'aiff les aminches ?...
edit : il y a 62 artworks sur le cd2...

edit : et 85 photos...

edit :
read me : this CD contains some photos and some pictures.
the photos are by jonny & colin.
the ones with an SK in the filename are by steve keros.
the pictures are by donwood & tchock.
all of them were taken/made during the making of this record.
here are a few suggestions of what to do with them:
1. use them as a screensaver.
2. make a slideshow of the photos or pictures. play the record at the
same time. ?.
3. print them out massive, frame them and hang them above your bed.
4. admire the dynamic artistes at work, as they plunge flailing into
middle age.
5. attempt to trace the arguably bizarre trajectory of donwood and
tchock as they begin by doing urban landscapes and end up with work
that even they cannot describe.
6. adapt or alter to your liking. it's extraordinary what you can do
with photoshop. or even scissors and glue.
7. turn an old tshirt inside-out. print something out on that iron-on
transfer stuff and stick it on the tshirt.
8. actually thinking about it, just type 'inkjet media' into a search
engine and see what the possibilities are.
9. for instance, you can print onto thin magnetic sheet and then stick
it onto a vehicle or a fridge or something.
10. try to work out which photos we edited out, and why.