For the second night in a row, the band is headlining the All Points West Festival . The festival takes place just on the other side New York City’s Hudson River at Jersey City’s Liberty State Park.
Earlier in the day, Ed O’Brien was spotted watching the Kings of Leon set. Radiohead began their set at 8:30 p.m. ET.
01. Reckoner
02. 15 Step
03. The National Anthem
04. Kid A

05. All I Need
06. Nude
07. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
08. Where I End And You Begin :)
09. The Gloaming
10. Faust Arp
11. No Surprises
12. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
13. The Bends

14. Bangers and Mash
15. Everything In Its Right Place
16. Exit Music (For A Film)
17. Bodysnatchers
Encore 1

18. Pyramid Song
19. Videotape (False start. Thom, “I meant to do that.”)
20. Airbag (Thom dedicates to Kings of Leon. “If we were that good looking we’d be famous.”)
21. Fake Plastic Trees
22. There There
Encore 2
23. House of Cards
24. Planet Telex

25. Idioteque