01 Bodysnatchers
02 All I Need
03 The Nation Anthem
15 Step05 Lucky
06 Nude
07 Street Spirit

08 There There
09 The Gloaming
10 Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
11 Idioteque
12 Faust Arp
13 Videotape
14 Just
15 Bangers and Mash (before song, Thom puts on safety goggles, “Safety First, Safety first. That’s what I always say” At the end of the song he falls over comically)
16. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom referring to Bangers and Mash: “That’s showbiz folks. Thats what its like”)
17. Reckoner
Encore 1
18. House of Cards
19. Climbing Up The Walls
20. A Wolf At The Door
21. Jigsaw Falling Into Place (Thom: “What’s up Jon Jon? You should tune your guitar. Well, it hasn’t stopped you before”)
22. Karma Police
Encore 2
23. Super Collider (Thom: “This is a new song”)
24. How To Disappear Completely
25. Planet Telex (Thom: “Thanks Bat For Lashes for supporting us for the past 4 weeks”)