Radiohead go into their second week of the second leg of the North American tour. Tonight’s the first of two (!) headlining shows at the All Points West Festival.
The festival takes place just on the other side New York City’s Hudson River at Jersey City’s Liberty State Park. The folks over at WPIX have a blog running on the East Coast version of Coachella: All Points West, as well as a behind-the-scenes video.
CUTW & Dollars and Cents s'installent définitivement dans les setlists durant cette tournée :), mauvais signes pour les futures tournées?


01. 15 Step
02. There There
03. Morning Bell
04. All I Need
05. Lucky
06. Nude
07. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
08. The Gloaming
09. Optimistic
10. Videotape
11. Reckoner
12. Jigsaw Falling Into Place (Thom “Cool Beans”)
13. You And Whose Army?
14. Idioteque
15. Climbing Up The Walls
16. Bodysnatchers
17. How To Disappear CompletelyEncore 1

18. House of Cards
19. Pyramid Song (Thom “Thank you very much NY & NJ. This one is dedicated to a very hectic city.”)
20. Paranoid Android
21. Dollars and Cents
22. Street Spirit
Encore 2

23. Cymbal Rush
24. Just
25. Everything In Its Right Place (Thom: “This one is dedicated to Underworld. They are a big influence on us.”)
[Massive thx to Battering Room for the setlist updates tonight.]
« Modifié: sam. 9 août 2008, 08:24:34 par HuntingWolf »
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