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Hors ligne hunting android

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La sortie du Lp8 semblant plus ou moins d'actualité, il était temps qu'un topic y soit dédié!

Selon le bassiste de Radiohead, le groupe d'Oxford a "terminé un nouveau paquet de chansons".

"Trois ans après In Rainbows", explique Greenwood "nous commençons à nous demander comment diffuser nos nouveaux morceaux dans un paysage numérique qui a, depuis, encore changé."

Hors ligne hunting android

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Hors ligne Hebus

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c'est quand même un peu nawak l'histoire de fin du disque non?
Parmis tous les peuples de la Gaule, les belges sont les plus graves.

Hors ligne the lukewarm

  • Bidule
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Ca serait sérieusement bien qu'ils accouchent de leur album. Sinon, j'ai peur que leurs "impératifs" solos leur referment le calendrier.

Hors ligne the lukewarm

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C'est quoi ce site ?!

En voyant que tu postais aujourd'hui, je me suis dit "OhmondieuOhmondieu !"

Hors ligne magirl

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Ça fait plaisiiir de voir apparaitre un topic dédié au LP8  :et:

et c'est quoi cette histoire de concert au parc des princes?  :vomi:

Hors ligne hunting android

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Philip Selway  Hiya. Back in the wonderful world of Radiohead now. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who came to see me play this summer. It was an amazing experience for me - I'm sifting through photos of our tour at the moment and will post these up very soon. Philip x
Il y a 10 heures

sur facebook...

Hors ligne hunting android

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Interview de Jonny dans un magazine, qui remonte à quelques semaines.

Interviewer: Since you have completed Norwegian Wood, and your solo work will take a pause, what are your feelings about focusing your energies on the new Radiohead album?

Jonny-Well, there's the feeling that the album is already almost finished, once we finish it, we will start considering how to put it in order. That's the current phase we are in, I think.

I: Could you be more specific about the general mood inside the band?

J: Now, well, we are all different individuals, anyway the current state of things is that we are going to take a look at each song from the long list of songs that seem to be finished.. then, next week, everyone will meet, and as we finish them, everything will be almost ready. Which songs need to be changed or replaced, there is also that sort of thing but, we are on the verge of ending it.

I; So, basically it is finished, right?

J: Yes, I guess so. Still, it's possible that everyone comes back to listen to it and say "Still not good". Next week, I will report the result (laughter).

I. (laughter) Please do so! was there some sort of theme for this album?

J: Theme...? Um... As mentioned, because the work is still being compiled/gathered, I can't really say that there isn't one...

I: I see.

J: Correspondingly, because we are still too connected to the work, just regarding the album itself we have a weird feeling. At this point in time, it's already a kind of "crushed" pile of incoherent recordings. As we arrange/organize it in many different ways, for the first time the awareness of what we have done will also become visible from that, right?

Last question, the interviewer asks if each person's solo projects are influencing the band's work,
Jonny says of course, and he mentions the Eraser, which after it was finished, it brought a wider range of techniques and possibilities for the whole band.

Hors ligne the lukewarm

  • Bidule
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"the long list of songs that seem to be finished"  :nico54:

Hors ligne hunting android

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Phil was on Studio Brussel yesterday talking about Familial.

He did say a few things about Radiohead too:

interviewer: "how is it (meaning the radiohead sessions) going?"

Phil: "well, I think it's going well. I actually listened to some of the new material for the first time this morning, coming back to it with fresh ears. To my ears, it is not complete yet, but I was very happy with what I was listening to."

interviewer: "OK, and how many songs are finished?"

Phil: "oh, loads..." (laughs)

source: at ease.

interview qui date probablement de fin septembre, lors de sa date en belgique.
Donc bon  on apprend rien de vraiment neuf.

Hors ligne bobbie

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 Les britanniques sortiront un single digital le 11 novembre prochain, juste à temps pour le Jour du Souvenir (14 novembre). Avec des collaborations de renom tels Thom Yorke (Radiohead), Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden), David Cameron (Premier Ministre Britannique), Mark Ronson et plusieurs autres, la pièce de deux minutes est en fait du silence pur...?!

Les profits iront à la Royal Britsh Legion...
Fantôme du forum.

Hors ligne hunting android

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Lu sur at Ease

I had a chat with Stanley Donwood in Rome, last thursday.
He told me that Lp8 artwork will be colourful...the colours reflecting the mood of the band.
Then we asked him about Wall Of Ice, and he told "we didn't mean to fool you...Wall Of Ice is still alive."