0 Membres et 16 Invités sur ce sujet
edit : ah oui effectivement j'ai réussi à sélectionner du texte, ça doit être un pdf avec reconnaissance de caractère. mais effectivement difficilement exploitable.en tout cas c'est loin d'être du vrai texte sémantique qui nourrit le web. ce qu'on fait c'est mieux d'abord.
oui ce sont des scans.les transitions CSS3 ne marchent pas sur firefox 3 (on en est à la 4 ), il y a un léger fondu enchaîné entre les pages. IE fout le bordel donc il faudra que je rajoute quelques lignes pour lui, mais en présentation linéaire. je vais pas me faire chier pour IE normalement vous voyez tout avec chrome, opéra, safari, et ff4. de toutes façons il FAUT faire les mises à jour des navigateurs !
j'ai le réflexe de scroller pour passer à la page suivante. quels sont vos avis là-dessus ? des idées ?
hi !i'm christophe, french radiohead fan, and first of all i'd like to thank you for the universal sigh.i enjoyed to physically hold poetry, painting and typography in my hands, wondering if these hands would'nt be too agressive for the paper and ink.the awareness that absorbing art would also wear it down is a rare feeling in our numeric times.but something made me sad : my girlfriend, partially sighted, could'nt share with me the immaterial emotion that filled the material object.the object was here a fence between some people and the art.so i managed to create an electronic version of the universal sigh with the help of friends from a radiohead fan's forum. we even started to work on a multilingual version.the work is now in progress : texts are html, layout is css, images are accompanied by alternative text as a description. typography is based on real fonts, with css property @font-face.we find the result really great. i mean, there are no keywords in this real web text. there are no logos in these real web pictures. there is no well-studied-psychological-impact-and-screen-reading-considerations in the typography.there is only poetry, painting, and all the range of moods fonts can deliver.this project could remain a private entity for those who created it. but we really think the web deserves a little more poetry to pass through its wire... and people with visual disabilities deserve the universal sigh too.that is why we need you...we need the authorisation of all people who worked on the newspaper, to make its electronic version available for anyone...please, consider visiting the website and let me know about your opinion on it, and on the eventuality of making it public.the address :the password : best regards,christophe
Dear Mr. Donwood,I am Christophe, a French Radiohead fan, and first of all I'd like to thank you for The Universal Sigh.I enjoyed to physically hold poetry, painting and typography in my hands, wondering if these hands would'nt be too agressive for the paper and ink.The awareness that absorbing art would also wear it down is a rare feeling in our numeric times. ==> t'as voulu dire quoi ?But something made me sad : my girlfriend, who has blurred vision, could'nt share with me the immaterial emotion that filled the material object.The object was here a obstacle between some people and the art.Then I managed to create an electronic version of The Universal Sigh with the help of friends from a Radiohead fans forum. We even started to work on a multilingual version.The work is now in progress : texts are in HTML, layout is in CSS, images are accompanied by alternative text as a description. Typography is based on real fonts, with CSS property @font-face.We find the result really great. I mean, there are no keywords in this real web text. There are no logos in these real web pictures. There is no well-studied-psychological-impact-and-screen-reading-considerations in the typography. ===> j'ai pô compris There is only poetry, painting, and all of the moods fonts can deliver.This project could remain a private entity for those who created it. But we really think the web deserves a little more poetry to pass through its wire (==> t'as voulu dire quoi ?)... And people with visual disabilities deserve The Universal Sigh too.That is why we need you...We need the authorisation of all people who worked on the newspaper, to make its electronic version available for anyone...Please, consider visiting the website and let me know about your opinion on it, and on the eventuality of making it public.The address :The password :Yours sincerely,Christophe
The awareness that absorbing art would also wear it down is a rare feeling in our numeric times.la conscience que s'imprégner d'une oeuvre pouvait aussi l'user est un sentiment rare dans notre ère numérique.
partially sighted c'est l'expression "officielle politiquement correcte" normalement...
there are no keywords in this real web text. There are no logos in these real web pictures. There is no well-studied-psychological-impact-and-screen-reading-considerations in the typography.pas de mots-clé dans ce texte fait pour le web, pas de logos dans ces images formatées pour le web, pas d'impact-psychologique-finement-étudié-ni-de-considerations-sur-la-lisibilité-à-l'-écran dans la typographie
j'aime l'idée d'appliquer cette sémantique à de la poésie, et imaginer le petit robot de google la lire en poussant des petits bips d'émotion...
sur ton netbook, la résolution doit te permettre de voir le contenu intégralement en largeur malgré le scroll non ? sauf depuis que j'ai mis le menu pagination à droite, mais de toutes façons ça ne me plaît pas trop comme ça, y a un truc qui va pas. j'ai le réflexe de scroller pour passer à la page suivante. quels sont vos avis là-dessus ? des idées ?
nouvelle page en ligne. qui m'a permis de confirmer que firefox a vraiment perdu de sa superbe, malgré la version 4. il est le seul à afficher un décalage sur mon système de couches superposées. même ie8 ne bronche pas... sinon ça fait longtemps qu'on a pas eu de nouveau contenu / avis / suggestion par ici... j'attends quelques retours de plus pour le mail à stanley.