Listen To Thom's Mix For Dazed

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  • Hippo nain
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    • Messages: 509
Thom Yorke recently went into the studio with fellow Atoms For Peace band member Nigel Godrich, to create a mix for Dazed online.

Comprised almost entirely of unreleased solo, Atoms for Peace and Radiohead material, you can stream the results on Dazed Digital.

The tracklisting as follows:

- Cycles MK 3 - Thom Yorke
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry (unfinished mix) - Atoms For Peace
- Mali: Kono, the Sacred Bird - Mali Musicians
- Proud Evolution (Thom York 500quid rmx) - Liars
- I Don't Need An Excuse (unfinished) - Thom Yorke
- Bloom (treatments) - Radiohead
- Morning Shiver Down The Back Wood River - Anstam
- Give Up The Ghost (Thom Yorke rmx) - Radiohead
- The Grind - Average Joe vs Unless - Atoms For Peace

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  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 2551
...Et pour télécharger ?  :hehe:

Pour info, "i don't need an excuse" (unfinished) se trouve sur Utube sous le nom de free :

<a href=";amp;version=3&amp;amp;rel=0&quot;" target="_blank" class="new_win">;amp;version=3&amp;amp;rel=0&quot;</a>