Boot sur Dime, c'est inez qui a fait le master:
Heineken Music Hall
The Netherlands
May 21, 2016
Taper : bnz
Source : at943 - SP-SPSB-11 (Bass Roll-off at 107 HZ) - Edirol R09 at 24bit 48Khz
Mastering : BLG (Adobe Audition > iZotope Ozone 5 > MBIT+)
Tracking : inez (audacity) > flac
Night 2 in Amsterdam!!!
OH MY GOD - I was not there I just watched and listened from across the Atlantic ;-) - but this was just a MONSTER SHOW, compared with somewhat more reserved and careful trying things out yesterday. Thom seemed in a great mood and full of energy, sounding fantastic, and the band was tight! Also, the sound of the tape and, as confirmed by many people who were there, in the venue itself was better than yesterday. And just look at this setlist! I hope those of you who were not thrilled with their selection yesterday are more enthusiastic now

This was yet again lovingly recorded by bnz and huge thanks go to him; BLG yet again mastered the tape in record-breaking speeds, and I tracked it. Party on!!
01. intro - Burn The Witch
02. Daydreaming
03. Decks Dark
04. Desert Island Disk
05. Ful Stop
06. Lucky
07. There There
08. Lotus Flower
09. All I Need
10. Talk Show Host
11. Identikit
12. The Numbers
13. Present Tense
14. Separator
15. Nude
16. The National Anthem - Hunting Bears
17. Everything In Its Right Place
18. encore break 1
19. Give Up The Ghost
20. How To Disappear Completely
21. Karma Police
22. Bloom
23. Street Spirit
24. encore break 2
25. Bodysnatchers*
26. Idioteque - outro
total time: 2 h 17 min 10 sec
* the actual setlist had Exit Music in this position, but I think Thom was so upbeat and the first encore had SS and HTDC, so they went with energy instead. And it was great! Note that Encore break 2 is longer than usual because of the change in setlist.
seeded to dime May 21st, 2016
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