Radiohead - Columbus 2018 (Setlist, vidéo, photos...)

KoyL · 1 · 8363

0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

Hors ligne KoyL

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 1151


01. Daydreaming
02. Desert Island Disk
03. Ful Stop
04. 15 Step
05. Lucky
06. Kid A
07. Burn the Witch
08. Pyramid Song
09. You and Whose Army?
10. Everything In Its Right Place
11. Bloom
12. Lotus Flower
13. I Might Be Wrong
14. Reckoner
15. The Numbers
16. Idioteque
17. Exit Music

[Rappel 1]
18. Give Up The Ghost
19. Optimistic
20. The National Anthem
21. Let Down
22. The Tourist

[Rappel 2]
23. A Wolf at the Door
24. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
25. Paranoid Android


Radiohead - A Wolf at the Door (multicam, audiomix) [Live at Schottenstein, Columbus 23 07 2018]
<a href=";amp;showinfo=0&quot;" target="_blank" class="new_win">;amp;showinfo=0&quot;</a>

RADIOHEAD Live “Lotus Flower” Columbus, OH July 23, 2018
<a href=";amp;showinfo=0&quot;" target="_blank" class="new_win">;amp;showinfo=0&quot;</a>

Soundcheck : A Wolf at the Door, You and Whose Army?, Idioteque, The National Anthem, Videotape, No Surprises, Bloom, Separator, Myxomatosis, Nude, Desert Island Disk, The Daily Mail
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