Anima, Nouvel album de Thom Yorke

dawnchorus · 768 · 336451

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Hors ligne kid armor

  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 7618

Hors ligne Le Cowboy

  • Sklavax
  • **
    • Messages: 389
je regarde ce soir. Il est bien?

Je viens de le voir. J'ai beaucoup aimé. Je suis super fan de ses appétences chorégraphiques donc là on est servi. A savourer au casque dans le noir ...
et gros frisson sur dawn chorus en effet, je crois que ça a remué 2/3 trucs en moi ...

Hors ligne dawnchorus

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 2632
il est très bien.
ça fait plaisir de voir thom autant en confiance
et oui le troisième acte remu quelque chose de tendre et de douloureux à la fois.
pour l'album je n'ai pas encore pu l'écouter dans de bonnes conditions donc je remet mon avis à plus tard .

Hors ligne hunting android

  • Tchou-tchou!
  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 15681
Les paroles


Nobody, nobody
It's not good
It's not right
A mirror
A sponge
But you're free

Show me the money
Party with a rich zombie
Suck it in through a straw
Party with a rich zombie
Complains, she stays
Can't sing in my jealousy
And you'll have to make amends
To make amends to me

I can't breathe
I can't breathe
There's no water
There's no water
I jump free
Foie gras
A brick wall
A brick wall
You're free
Show me the money
Party with a rich zombie
Suck it in through a straw
Party with a rich zombie
Complains, she stays
Can't sing in my jealousy
And you'll have to make amends
To make amends to me

Last I Heard

I woke up with a feeling that I just can not take
I woke up with a feeling that I just can not take
I woke up with a feeling that I just can not take
I woke up with a feeling that I just can not take

Take it out with the trash
Swimming through the gutter
Swimming through the gutter
Swallowed up, swallowed by the city, by the city, by the city
Humans the size of rats
Opportunity cracks
Opportunity stutters
It only takes a minute
And it takes it, and it takes it, and it takes it, and it takes it

I woke up with a feeling that I just can not take
I woke up with a feeling that I just can not take
I woke up with a feeling that I just can not take
I woke up with a feeling that I just can not take

(I woke up with a feeling that I just can not take)
(I woke up with a feeling that I just can not take)
(I woke up with a feeling that I just can not take)


To you who brought me back to life
Twisted thorns that grow inside
Shingle washing my old bones
Screams woe-betides and woe-be-gones
Just enough love to go 'round
For you who's turning me back on
Doesn’t make it right or wrong
A prisoners of the mind
Of woebegones and woe-betides
Just enough love to go 'round

Just enough love to go 'round
Two hearts a firefly
Of woebetides and woebegones
Just enough love to go around

It’s not me
It’s not me
A boy on a bike who is running away
An empty car in the woods with the motor left running
It’s not me
It’s not me
It's not me
An empty car with the motor left running
And this face it isn’t me
And this face it isn’t me

Dawn Chorus

Back up the cul-de-sac
Come on do your worst
You’ve quit your job again
With no train of thought
If you could do it all again
A little fairy dust
Thousand tiny birds singing
If you must you must
Please let me know
When you’ve had enough
Of the white light
The dawn chorus
If you could do it all again
You don’t know how much
Pronto pronto [what she wants?]
Come on chop chop
If you could do it all again
Without a second thought
I don’t like leaving
The door shut
I think I miss something
But I’m not sure what
In the middle of the vortex
The wind picked up
Shook up the soot
From the chimney piles
Into spiral patterns
Of you my love
I take a little piece
And break it off
What’s that bloody racket?
It’s the dawn chorus
If you could do it all again
Big deal so what?
Please let me know
When you’ve had enough
It’s the last chance
Ok corral
If you could do it all again
It’s time it’s time

I'am a very rude person

I have to find my way in the dark
I have to take a knife to your heart
I have to find someway to escape
I have to walk but I wanna stay

[Verse 2]
I have to hope this spell's going to break
I have to destroy to create
I have to be rude to your face
I'm breaking up your turntables
Now I'm gonna watch your party die

Not the news

[Verse 1]
Who are these people?
In black treacle
You're starting violence
And say nothing

But I'm not running
Enough of broken glass
Enough so I can leave
My dancing feet

[Verse 2]
Fortune teller
See the feather
Just like violence
And sympathy, yeah

But I'm not running
Enough of broken glass
Enough so I can leave
My dancing feet

I'm not running
Enough of broken glass
Enough so I can leave
My dancing feet

The Axe

Goddamn machinery
Why don't you speak to me?
One day I am gonna take an axe to it
The pitter patter
What does it matter?
Where's that love
You'd promised me?
I'm pierced by long nails
By coloured windmills
The soft sustain

I thought we had a deal
I thought we had a deal
I thought we had a deal
I thought we had a deal
I thought we had a deal
I thought we had a deal

You bastards speak to me
Have you no pity?
Give me a goddamn good reason
Not to jack it all in
You would've sold you
I'm daring you to turn yourself off
I thought we had a deal

Impossible Knots

I'm heading in the wrong direction
I can't make the big connection
But in my line of business
There is no room for mess

All tied up in impossible knots
I'll take anything you got
I'll take anything you got

Now I’ll be ready
Now I’ll be ready
Now I’ll be ready
Now I’ll be ready
Now I’ll be ready
Now I’ll be ready
Now I’ll be ready
Now I’ll be ready


We are forever
We are forever
That's when you don't
That's when you know
This is when you know who your real friends are
Who your real friends are
That's when you know
That's when you don't
This is when you know who your real friends are
That's when you know
That's when you don't
Who your real friends are
This is when you know, this is when you know
Who your real friends are
Who your real friends are, who your real friends are
That's when you know
That's when you don't
This is when you know who your real friends are
That's when you know
That's when you don't
That's when you know
That's when you don't
This is when you know who your real friends are
That's when you know
That's when you don't
That's when you know
That's when you don't
That's when you know
That's when you don't
This is when you know, this is when you know
That's when you know
That's when you don't
Who your real friends are

Hors ligne little fishy

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 2551
 :cache: je veux bien un petit WeTransfer pour découvrir tout ça  :jap:

Hors ligne Iamnothere

  • Petit scarabé
  • *
    • Messages: 20
Mais c'est une torture de vous lire et d'attendre ce soir d'être pénard, ma fille au lit pour écouter l'album  :content:!!!

Hors ligne kid armor

  • Floodeur pro
  • *****
    • Messages: 7618
Je viens de voir le film...  :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
everything in its right place !?!

Hors ligne climbatize

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 3042
J'attends ce soir pour ma première écoute pour me mettre dans de bonnes conditions  :et:
Je le sens bien ce disque finalement. J'avais peur d'un disque musique electro déjà entendue, mais à lire les commentaires, Thom à l'air de se renouveler. Me trompe-je?

Et puis, première fois que Thom à un Best New Music sur Pitchfork (bon, même si je me méfie de plus en plus de leurs avis...ça augure du bon tout de même!)

Hors ligne little fishy

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 2551
La première qui m'accroche l'oreille, c'est TWIST

J'y retourne !

Hors ligne astyl120

  • Bidule
  • ****
    • Messages: 3044
Retour de l'atelier blocage...

Un truc minimaliste en apparence, mais que nenni, c'est d'une profondeur...

Le dernier morceau est limite un hymne techno

Où peut-on mater le film?  :shy:

A noter que sur spotify (premium), tu as des animations pendant les morceaux
Deaf, dumb and blind