The eraser...album en juillet!!!!!!(Thom solo)

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le poids n'a rien à voir la dedans.
un flac d'un bootleg enregistré via dictaphone sonnera moins bien qu'un mp3 d'un concert soundboard^^

Tout à fait.

La prise de son est essentielle à la qualité.

Investissez dans un Hi-md et un micro digne de ce nom et vous m'en direz des nouvelles.
Deaf, dumb and blind

Hors ligne The Eurasian

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le lien permanent.

jetez vous dessus, ça n'a rien a voir avec la premiere version niveau son.
c'est fou je redécouvre les chansons. :snif:
Ah oui! La c'est tres bon, les morceaux ont beaucoup plus de relief! C'est excellent! :amor:
Bloom, the world is bloom

Hors ligne Hebus

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Bonjour tout le monde, je suis nouveau sur le forum et c'est mon premier message  :)

Je me demandais si personne n'aurait un lien direct pour écouter l'album de Tom sans rien avoir à télécharger ?? :think:

Longue vie à radiohead :)
Parmis tous les peuples de la Gaule, les belges sont les plus graves.

Hors ligne Jeman

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Bonjour tout le monde, je suis nouveau sur le forum et c'est mon premier message  :)

Je me demandais si personne n'aurait un lien direct pour écouter l'album de Tom sans rien avoir à télécharger ?? :think:

Longue vie à radiohead :) At your service

Hors ligne I'mNotHere

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Ou alors des extraits illustrés sur xlrecordings.
Have you lost your faith? Have you lost your way?
Have you lost everything you thought you held yesterday?

Hors ligne Hebus

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Sur le site fnac, je ne vois rien  :snif:

@I'mNotHere> C'est des tout petits extraits, je croyait qu'il y avait moyen d'écouter les morceaux en entier  :spamafote:

Si c'est pas le cas, tant pis, je vais devoir télécharger ceux donnés par hunting android
Parmis tous les peuples de la Gaule, les belges sont les plus graves.

Hors ligne Jeman

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Citation de: "Hebus"
Sur le site fnac, je ne vois rien  :snif:

@I'mNotHere> C'est des tout petits extraits, je croyait qu'il y avait moyen d'écouter les morceaux en entier  :spamafote:

Si c'est pas le cas, tant pis, je vais devoir télécharger ceux donnés par hunting android

:school: techniquement, tu es OBLIGE de télécharger qqch pour l'écouter sur ton PC !

Hors ligne Hebus

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Bon, ok  

Mais existe-t-il un lien avec toutes les chansons de The Eraser regroupées ou je dois les prendre une par une ?

si je suis chiant dites le ^^
Parmis tous les peuples de la Gaule, les belges sont les plus graves.

Hors ligne hunting android

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Hors ligne Hebus

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:brick:  :brick:  

j'ai honte
Parmis tous les peuples de la Gaule, les belges sont les plus graves.

Hors ligne Imbéciloteque

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Hrmm y'a même des MySpace de The Eraser  ?
not livin just killin  time
tema mon skyblog

Hors ligne Hebus

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Je viens de trouver analyse

Je crois que c'est tout ce qu'y a sur MySpace
Parmis tous les peuples de la Gaule, les belges sont les plus graves.

Hors ligne Imbéciloteque

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Many people find Thom Yorke disturbing. And Thom Yorke seems to be one of them. On his excellent surprise solo album, The Eraser, he creeps himself out constantly, muttering about heartbreak amid waves of electronic keyboards. He doesn't have the rest of Radiohead to buoy him up -- it's just a man and his laptop, with hardly any guitar. Yorke comes on as a Lieutenant Columbo of the psyche, rumpled and haggard, who always has just one more question. On The Eraser, he has some particularly barbed ones. "Are you only being nice because you want something?" he asks in the opening title tune. "Be careful how you respond/You might end up in this song." Like the rest of the album, it's intensely beautiful, yet it explores the kind of emotional turmoil that makes the angst of OK Computer or The Bends sound like kid stuff.
Yorke recorded The Eraser with Nigel Godrich and kept it a secret until Radiohead hit the road, so nobody would wonder if they were splitting up. The album could hardly sound more different from the superb new uptempo songs Radiohead are debuting on their current tour. Live, Radiohead are killing crowds with the Velvets-riffing "Arpeggi" and "Bodysnatchers," or the Run-DMC tribute "15 Step," or the trimly rocked-out "Bangers 'n' Mash," which is even cooler than the classic Peter Sellers/Sophia Loren duet of the same name. But The Eraser is full of glitchy electro ballads, in the style of Kid A tracks like "Morning Bell" and "How to Disappear Completely." The structures are tighter than in Radiohead songs, centered on the vocals -- fans hoping for ten-minute ambient dub doodles will be disappointed. Yorke's voice has never sounded so fragile; his melodies have never sounded so mournful. In a word, he sounds alone. And it wears him out.

For the most part, these are sad love songs, maybe even breakup songs. They're pretty straightforward in the lyrics department, detailing a crumbling relationship full of bruises that won't heal. As Yorke puts it in "Black Swan," "You cannot kick-start a dead horse/You just cross yourself and walk away." Usually, when the word "you" comes up in a Radiohead song, it's aimed at some faceless symbol of our sick society. But in knockout tunes like "Atoms for Peace," "The Eraser" and "The Clock," Yorke seems to address an individual, somebody with whom he shares a complex emotional history. There's no percentage trying to read autobiography into Yorke's songs, or anybody else's -- the question isn't whether they're about him, it's whether they're about you. So let's just say he sounds like he knows what he's talking about. You might have to go back to Side Two of David Bowie's Low to hear a guy delve so deep inside the well of synth-pop loneliness.

"And It Rained All Night" is a typical highlight -- burbling synths, eerie percussion clicks, Eighties computer-game bleeps. And Yorke sings it exactly like Mick Jagger, which is weird. "The Eraser" has a broken stop-start piano sample, while Yorke vows, "The more you try to erase me/The more that I appear." "Black Swan" has a growling guitar line and snarling vocals, reminiscent of "I Might Be Wrong." But the peak is "Atoms for Peace," where Matmos-like synth static crackles as Yorke tries to decide whether to save his lover from herself or save her from him. No doubt these would have made excellent Radiohead songs. The Eraser is full of moments when you wait for the band to kick in, and it doesn't happen. It reminds you how much Radiohead thrive on their sense of collective creation -- even at their most downbeat, their camaraderie gives off a life-affirming energy. Yet these aren't Radiohead songs, or demos for Radiohead songs. They're something different, something we haven't heard before. Lieutenant Yorke is asking new questions, looking for clues to the same old mystery: how to appear, incompletely.

not livin just killin  time
tema mon skyblog

Hors ligne Ectorleressor

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Dans le dernier Rolling Stones, interview (enfin c'est plutôt un mini aticle avec des bribes d'interviews) de thom et le disque chroniqué en "disque du mois"(en premiére page des critiques) et écope de 4 étoiles et demi...
De la joie de la joie de vivre et du jambon!! C'est ça la clef du bonheur!!

Hors ligne hunting android

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The Eraser played in full on Triple J

Australian radio station Triple J are going to play The Eraser in full this Sunday the 2nd July at 6pm.

And as reported earlier, Dave Fanning played 3 and a bit of tracks from the album on 2FM Ireland. Listeners were texting in their opinions throughout the show and the response was mainly negative. Dave Fanning wondered if we'd "all think it's great by September!". However a female caller towards the end of the show said she had downloaded the album and thought it was great and easy to listen to but people were not to expect it to sound like Radiohead, she also said she would be buying it when it's released. He finished the show playing about a minute of "Cymbal Rush" to which he read out a text from a listener claiming they would rather "give birth to a dinosaur than listen to that!". [thanks Zoe & Dermot]

Posted by adriaan at June 29, 2006 11:39 AM