The eraser...album en juillet!!!!!!(Thom solo)

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Hors ligne Guillome

  • The wonderful boy
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et oui
a moins d'etre en england on va avoir du mal a jouer
the more you try to erase me the more that i appear

Hors ligne zaaaaaaaa

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Citation de: "Ectorleressor"
Mhhh..on dirait que l'album est en papier...enfin je sais pas mais moi ça me fait cet effet!
Sinon j'ai vu sur justradiohead que lundi le nouvel "inrock" proposera thom yorke en couverture et donc surement au mieux une interview ou au pire un article...

Tu avais raison : cette semaine dans Les Inrocks (n°553) une longue interview de Thom Yorke !

Hors ligne Ectorleressor

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Pour ceux qui n'ont pas pût encore écouter et qui voudrait le faire, l'album est en ecoute en integralité sur dans "media player" (bon par contre faut s'inscrire mais c'est gratuit et puis ça permet en general d'écouter pleins d'albums avant leur sortie.)
De la joie de la joie de vivre et du jambon!! C'est ça la clef du bonheur!!

Hors ligne hunting android

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The Eraser reviewed

Thom Yorke's The Eraser is out on Monday. Here are some reviews of the album.

PopMatters has a lengthy article/review on The Eraser by Joseph Tate. No need to quote Joseph, always a good read.

PowPowPow: "An album, then, worth your attention, and not because of the Radiohead 'thing', but because it's a roaring [or should I say, whispering] bubble bath of delight; the invigorated vocals, the stark lyrics, the thriving melodies, the electronica-flavoured shimmers. It's all good. Very good."

Socialist Worker: "Yorke's anger and sometimes despair is always tempered with defiance. The Eraser's title track reminds our rulers that their lies won't work and will come back to haunt them. Our movement needs more musicians prepared to stick their necks out and take risks like this." "Despite initial fears, 'The Eraser' doesn't sound like an aimless collection of Radiohead B-Sides. Thom Yorke has sculpted an album with an agenda and substance, and more importantly has offered tantalising glimpses of his genius." (4/5)

MusicOMH: "This record completes a picture of a sometime prog rock god who's just as happy - and competent - in the role of an electronica wizard". (4/5)

Sydney Morning Herald: "Yorke and regular Radiohead producer Nigel Godrich have made an often sumptuous sounding record (listen to this with headphones if you can); the longer it goes also pricks and provokes with angularities"

ic Scotland: "The Eraser is an album full of 'moments' some of them are familiar, some of them are brand new and exciting but they are all undeniably Thom Yorke and that is what he will be remembered for; constantly striving to go slightly left of the middle."

BlogCritics: "The songs are cohesive, seemingly working for the same goal from beginning to end. And The Eraser is more than just a supplement to your Radiohead catalogue. I can guarantee that it will become an integral part of your collection. And in the end, Thom Yorke proves just how indie he is with The Eraser, because he is reminding us once again that he didn't follow us. We followed him."

Sunday Times: "In the case of Radiohead though, The Eraser might just constitute a lifeline. If this outlet aids their rediscovery of a common purpose, Yorke's bandmates may be only too happy to give him custody of the Kids."

Posted by adriaan at July 5, 2006 09:35 PM

Hors ligne hunting android

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Harrowdown Hill out in August with extras

Xl Recordings have Thom Yorke's Harrowdown Hill scheduled for release on August 21st.

A 12" vinyl will include Harrowdown Hill in an extended mix and will also feature two tracks which are not available on the forthcoming album The Eraser: 'The Drunkk Machine' & 'Jetstream'. [thanks Tom]

Posted by adriaan at July 6, 2006 11:14 PM

news sur air aussi :jap:

Hors ligne Guillome

  • The wonderful boy
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Hors ligne The Eurasian

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Hors ligne hunting android

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la fin est encore plus énorme
(Jonny Nigel et Thom sur le plateau en train de jouer :love: vivement samedi!)


Hors ligne Guillome

  • The wonderful boy
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moi je veux bien the eraser full acoustic :)
the more you try to erase me the more that i appear

Hors ligne Raphael

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peut etre que Thom donnera quelques petits concerts pour the eraser pendant la tournée de Radiohead l'an prochain !  :hehe:

Hors ligne Your Iron Lung

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Pourquoi le lien ne maaaaaarche pas???


EDIT: c'est bon et c'est meme très très bon!!  :love:  :love:
"Madonna a beaucoup de danseurs, nous n'avons que Colin..."Jonny

Hors ligne arsen

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Citation de: "Guillome"
video  de the clock live acoustic
attention c'est vraiment énorme

c'est vraiment top, merci !!!
reste plus qu'a trouver ca en mpg2 ou vu que c'est aux states en HD
pour commencer a compiler et preparer un dvd Thom Yorke...
pourvu que ca apparaissent en meilleure qualité !!!!

Hors ligne nicolas

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Citation de: "Guillome"
video  de the clock live acoustic
attention c'est vraiment énorme

ah oui ah oui
tout l'album comme ca  :love:  :love: